This is a choose Three of Four Assignments.
Acting can seem like a daunting task. There’s all that terminology, plus you need to have confidence, and of course there are all those famous people who’ve appeared on camera before you, which can be a lot to live up to. But acting isn’t as hard as it looks, and you don’t even need to be famous to do it. During a recent shoot here in the office, a friendly visitor dropped by to help me perform my best. Check it out:
* Experienced Actors on really helped me out with Dan's movie, and now I'd like to pass on my newly acquired acting prowess to you. Let's review:Dan's * Scripts & Auditions: * A script (must fill out this form before you begin shooting) is the written form of the part you will be playing. These pages contain the lines (or dialogue) of all the characters in the movie, as well as stage directions and other information. script(must fill out this form before you begin shooting) * Your part will be labeled by your character's name. The words underneath your character's name are your lines. The term "sides" is also used to describe the lines you shoot on a particular day. * It's a good idea to highlight your lines and read them over until you have them memorized. When you don’t need the script anymore, this is known as being "off book." There's no shortcut to memorization — just take the time to repeat your lines until you can recite them in your sleep. * For some auditions, you'll see the phrase "sides provided." This means a scripted part will be prepared for you to read at the audition, so you don't need to bring something to perform. Work/Current-Work/Health/Childhood- Obesity-Let-s-Move
* Building your character: * Once you have your lines down, it's time to create the character around them — this is what most people consider "acting" or "playing a part." * To build your character, look at the situation they’re in and what they are planning to do. Have you ever been in a similar situation? How did you react? If you haven’t had a similar experience, use your imagination and conjure up some feelings. Take these emotions into account when reciting the lines. * Listen for director feedback. Your director will watch you closely, and their thoughts can help shape your performance. The director may ask you to read lines with different inflections, or request that you adjust your position. Always be open to their suggestions, and don't be afraid to make some of your own.
* Being on set: * A mark is the place where an actor should stand in a scene or shot. It's normally set on the ground as a T-shaped piece of tape, showing where the actor should place their feet. For shots where actors are walking or moving, you can have beginning and ending marks. Marks don’t always have to be pieces of tape — they can be anything an actor can see, but normally they’re something not visible (or noticed by) the audience. * When it comes time to shoot, you may find yourself getting nervous, but don't worry! Take time to relax before and after shots. Sometimes actions like jumping up and down, blowing air through your lips, doing stretches, or reciting phrases can help. All actors use their own techniques to keep themselves calm, cool, and collected, so if you find something that works for you, go with it! Finally, don't worry about how you look on camera — you always look great! urces/lesson_images/lesson1069/using.pd f
* STUDENT OBJECTIVES * Students will create a one minute Public Service Announcement. * It should be of a serious nature and will represent issues around the school; such as, recycling for Bottles for Books, Safety in the Lunch Line, Respectfully entering the school or subject of your choice with teacher approval. * Facts will accompany the video so an interview may be needed. * This is one choose Three of Four Assignments.
Movie Maker Planning Sheet Include: Sketch, Title Overlays, Sounds, Transitions, Audio Group Members: Must be previewed by Mrs. N before filming begins