Welcome to Parent Reading Night At HES
What is the focus of tonight? Explain goals & how your child is assessed Explain how we teach reading at school Learn what you can do to help at home
How Your Child is Assessed in Reading
TRC Score (Text Reading Comprehension) Your child reads a selected text(for accuracy & fluency) Your child is asked scripted questions about the story (for comprehension) Reading 3D scores the information & prompts whether to continue to next level or stop
Reading Foundations Score Report Card viewDIBELS The Reading Foundations grade is comprised of the DIBELS assessment scores. It includes such things as… Letter Naming Fluency First Sound Fluency Phoneme Segmentation Nonsense Word Fluency Word List
DIBLES *Reading 3D takes all these scores and forms a “composite” score which becomes the Reading Foundations grade on the report card. BOY MOY EOY FSF 10FSF 30FSF 30+ PSF 20PSF 40 NWF 17NWF 28 Composite* 26Composite 122Composite 119
How Do We Teach Reading at School? Letter sounds (Letterland) Introduce sight words or “popcorn” words Letter blends Stretching out words, “tapping out” Word chunks
We expose students to literacy throughout the year. Reading aloud Small leveled reading groups Literacy centers Take home baggy books Reading Buddies Tutors
What Can You Do at Home to Help? Read to your child/model reading Ask questions while reading Practice sight words Incorporate technology
While your child is reading… Have them point to words Use picture clues Use beginning sounds Take turns reading Ask questions Take a break if needed!
Make reading fun as you work on…. Accuracy, Fluency & Comprehension
Strategies for ACCURACY PRACTICE Magnetic letters Rereading books Shaving cream Sand tray Flashlight spelling Sight word flashcards
Strategies for FLUENCY PRACTICE Rereading books Singing songs – Karaoke Reading poems Sight word practice Phonics flashcards Listen to stories
Strategies for COMPREHENSION PRACTICE Talk about the book/pictures before reading Make predictions during reading Ask questions after reading –verbally or written Five finger retell – first, next, then, finally – character, setting, plot, solution
Thank you for coming. Together with your help we can encourage our children to be life long readers!