SITE ANALYSIS Arch 392 Asena Tarkan 078004 Emine Yavuz 078008 Fatma Mullaaziz 077985 Sumru Gizem Aybar 072063
Introduction Site Analysis Vegetation Locational Analysis Historical Anlysis Figure-Ground Analysis Lynch Analysis Lost Space Architectural Evaluation Functional Analysis Landuse Analysis
Site Analysis
Vegetation 1 2 1 3 4 3 2 4
Location Analysis Nicosia-Famagusta Road Morfou-Nicosia Road Dereboyu Street Our Site
Historical Analysis Nicosia is the capital city of the Cyprus,in Mediterranean Sea.But Nicosia has different type of orientation. Cyprus has different structure about the politics. Because Cyprus divided in two parts as a Greek side and Turkish side.But only one city divided in two that is Nicosia so the city has different structure from others about the tradition and architecture. Therefore, they have different culture, different languages, different variations, different social issues and many things are very different. So we see many different historical period in the Nicosia.For instance Lusignan period, Venice period, Ottoman period, British period and from Middle age to 20. century.And we see a little bit Ermenian and Rome effects in the Nicosia.
VENETIAN PERIOD in 1489-1571 VENETIAN PERIOD in 1567 BRITISH PERIOD in 1963 at Now in 22 JULY 1570
Urban Development of Nicosia Within the wall At the time of British occupations,Nicosia was contained entirely within its Venetian walls. Although private gardens and supplied with water carried to public foundation macadamized roads through the town were completed to connect with the main roads to the coastal towns but no roads were asphalted until after World War I. The narrow streets with overhanging kiosks were made darker by the awnings, “tourathes”, rigged up by the shopkeepers against the sun and rain.
After Walls A series of openings in the walls provided direct access to areas beyond the walls as they grew in importance.The first opening gate is Paphos Gate in 1879.It’s openning across a wooden bridge at the top of Ledra Street. After Paphos Gate ,Kyrenia Gate is openning in 1931 and many more openings followed.
The prosperous 1920s resulted in elegant villas lining the main roads out of the old City alongside the colonial residences already built there.By this time, the old city was increasingly given over to shops and workshops. In residential terms it had become a lower income area. Old people tended to stay in the old city, building houses for their daughters outside.
Besides, Nicosia have many important areas and buildings for each period and nowadays, we use of these buildings and areas.For example, Selimiye Mosque(St. Sophia), Dervish Pasha Mansion, Kyrenia Gate, Bedesten, Buyuk Han... Selimiye Mosque Bedesten Kyrenia Gate Buyuk Han
Figure –Ground Analysis Sillouthe A-A Sillouthe B-B
Lynch Analysis Main Paths Secondary Paths Nodes Distiricts
Lost Space Lost spaces are undesirable urban areas that are in need of redesgin-antispaces making on positive contribution to the surrounding or users. There aren’t well-defined space. There aren’t measurable boundaries. 1 2 3
Architectural Evaluation Each period have different windows and doors types.
Many different types of roofs.
Accessibility/Permeability Two Way Main Road Two Way Secondary Road Pedestrian Approach
Landuse Analysis Residential Retail Industry Mixed Used