Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary Annual Title I Parent Meeting September 9, 2014 Can’t Beat That Husky P ositive Attitude R espect for All I ntegrity D o the Right Thing E ffort towards Learning
Mission The Mission of Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary is to provide quality instruction and rigorous learning experiences that empower students to achieve academic success and compete in a global society. Vision The vision of Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary is to exceed standards daily by preparing students to become critical thinkers and life-long learners.
What does it mean to be a Title I School? Being a Title I school means receiving federal funding (Title I dollars) to supplement the school’s existing programs.
How Does Our School Receive Title 1 Funds? Schools receive Title 1 funding based on the percentage of students receiving free and reduced lunch.
How Does Title 1 Funding Help Your Child Learn? The student selection process is based off of Dibels and CRCT scores. Students served under Title I do not qualify for EIP, DES, and/or ELL services.
Title 1 Fund for Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary has been awarded $338,250 in Title I funds for this school year
How are Title 1 Funds Spent to Help Your Child Academically? Small Group Instruction Title 1 Teacher After School & Saturday Tutoring Programs Instructional Materials Instructional Technology Laptops Ipods Smart Tables
How does Title 1 benefit parents? $3, of Title I funds are allocated for Parental Involvement Parent Compact Parent Involvement Plan Parental Involvement Activities Parental Resources ( computers, scanner, books, work at home packets, etc. ) Parent Seminars/Workshops Parent Liaison Parent Center
How will Parents have input on how the money is spent? Completing and returning the 1% Budget Survey Attend Title 1 Budget Meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 16 at 10:00 am or Wednesday Sept. 24 at 3:00 pm Mr. Henry at
School Improvement Plan: CCRPI (CCRPI) College and Career Readiness Performance Index Helps tell parents and the public how schools are performing in a more comprehensive manner than the pass/fail system previously in place under AYP. Three Major Areas: 1.Achievement (70 points) 2.Progress (15 points) 3.Achievement Gap (15 points) In addition, schools can receive “Challenge Points” to add to their score (up to 10 points) Our score from last year was 59.6
Parental Rights Parent Right to Know Letter Informs parents of their right to request information regarding teacher and paraprofessional qualifications Highly Qualified Teachers Parents will be notified if their child’s teacher is not highly qualified (Typically in a long-term sub case)
Parental Rights Parent Notice Parents will receive annual notice of school’s CCRPI (College and Career Readiness Performance Index (Priority, Focus, Alert, or Reward)) Parental Involvement Policy Outline of various parental and student focused tools activities in which parents and the school work together to maximize student achievement
How can you help your child learn? School-Parent Compact This document outlines how the parents, the School staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improving academic achievement. (Grade level specific) Six Types of Parental Involvement 1. Parenting 2. Communicating 3. Volunteering 4. Learning at Home 5. Decision Making 6. Collaborating with the Community Parent Advisory Committee We value your feedback and opinions in order to continue to raise our students’ academic achievement level at King Elementary. If interested in being a part of this committee please see Mr. Henry to sign up.
Parent Academy A series of 8 total classes offered throughout the school year to assist parents in making a connection with their student between home and school. One Module per month offered three different times within the month (only have to attend one per month) Parents that attend at least 6 out of 8 classes will be recognized in a County-wide celebration at the PAC on April 25, 2015 ModulesMonthDelivery Dates I.CCPS 101 Partnering with your School/District September 9/4/ :00 am 9/16/14 – 6:00 pm 9/24/14 – 10:00 am I.Everyday Tools to Assist your child with Math October 10/7/14 – 10:00 am 10/16/14 – 6:00 pm 10/29/14 – 10:00 am I.How to help your child with Homework without stressing out? No Stress, Homework Help for your Child! November 11/5/14 – 10:00 am 11/11/14 – 6:00 pm 11/17/14 – 10:00 am
When schools, families, and community groups work together to support learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer, and like school more. Henderson and Mapp, 2002
Questions/Comments/Concerns Upcoming Dates for Title I Meetings Title 1 Budget: 9/16 10:00 am and 9/24 3:00 pm Parent Involvement Policy: 9/16 9:00 am and 9/24 4:00 pm Parent Compact: 9/24 9:00 am and 9/24 4:30 pm