Windows Driver Foundation: Introduction Murtuza Naguthanawala Program Manager Networking And Devices Microsoft Corporation
Session Goals Attendees should leave this session with the following: A better understanding of Windows Driver Foundation (WDF) Know how to use WDF
Session Outline Overview Limitations of the current driver models Windows Driver Foundation Model Kernel mode framework User mode framework Static verification tools
Windows Driver Model (WDM): Overview Generic Model – WDM Specific driver models – Miniports for popular device classes WDM Features Asynchronous and packet-based IO Layering of drivers Dynamic loading and unloading of drivers Plug and Play Power management Large device coverage Flexible Low-level high-performance interfaces
Current Windows Driver Models Device/Driver ClassesCurrent Model Display AdaptersVideo port Storage Adapters (SCSI & ATA)Scsiport, Storport, ATAport, Network AdaptersNDIS Video CaptureAvStream Audio AdaptersAVStream, PortCls File System filtersFS Mini filter PrintersUniDrv Scanners,CamerasWIA PCI, PC Card, generic filter driversWDM Modems, Cable ModemWDM & NDIS WDM Biometric DevicesWDM Smart Card DevicesWDM Keyboard/Mouse FiltersWDM Legacy Devices (Serial, Parallel)WDM Portable Media PlayersWMDM UPnP & Network Connected Devices, Cell Phones No support USB, 1394, Bluetooth, SD devicesWDM (kernel), no support (user) OthersWDM
Limitations With Current Driver Models Generic driver model is too complex Poor DDI design Inconsistent miniport models The current approach requires many drivers to use kernel mode User Mode could be an option Does not allow extension and future growth
Limitations: Generic Driver Model Lots of hard-to-understand boiler plate code Plug and Play and Power Management (PnP/PM) have complicated state machines Never coherently described and cannot be well expressed in documentation Not easily testable Asynchronous I/O & Cancellation Synchronization Documentation is not adequate End user experience Drivers are the #1 cause of blue screens in the system
Limitations: DDI Design DDIs directly exposed by kernel Key OS data structures exposed to drivers Hard to version Even the OS Version Query DDI is OS version dependent! Subtle changes in kernel break drivers e.g., Changing the default pool size Cannot make improvements to the kernel easily Only C is supported
Limitations: Inconsistent Driver Models Inconsistent interfaces Hard to transfer expertise from one device class to another Not flexible enough to keep up with HW innovation Device classes appear on multiple buses Duplication of testing and documentation efforts Tools/technologies cannot be leveraged across all models e.g., Driver Verifier, PREfast
Limitations: Kernel mode required Not every device needs interrupts, DMA, register access, has strict timing requirements etc. Many USB device drivers could be written in user mode Lower reliability Kernel-mode drivers can crash the system
Driver Model Design Goals Consistent set of DDIs DDIs not tied to core OS components Language agnostic Supports verification by static analysis tools Diagnosability Supports driver isolation Bugs in a driver do not bring down system or other driversDDIs classified into two categories Base model: Supports base functionality across all device classes, including PnP, PM, Async I/O, Queues, DMA, hardware access Synchronization, Communication with drivers Device class extension Derives from base model; only adds device specific functionality e.g., Device I/O Control processing
Driver Model for Device Class Support Base Model (PnP/PM/IO/Synch) Device Specific Extension (Packet, Device I/O Control, CDB processing) Driver
How To Get to Driver Model? Our plan is to get to the driver model goals incrementally Keep supporting existing driver models WDM will continue to be supported Existing mini-port models will continue to be supported Define the basic model Define a consistent way to extend the basic model Ensure that newer device classes use the new approach
Windows Driver Foundation
Driver Model and Windows Drivers Foundation WDF(PnP/PM/IO/Synch) Device Specific Extension (Packet, Device I/O Control, CDB processing) Driver WDF becomes the base model
Windows Driver Foundation- Experience
Windows Driver Foundation WDF is the stepping- stone to the ideal driver model WDF Contains A Model Multiple frameworks Kernel Mode Framework User Mode Framework Verification Tools Static Driver Verifier PREfast for Drivers WDF Model Static Driver Verifier User Mode Framework Kernel Mode Framework PREfast
Windows Driver Foundation - Goals Simplicity: No harder than it needs to be to accomplish a task Fast time to market for drivers Reduce crashes and blue screens generated by drivers in the system Provide complete driver development experience Driver model UMDF, KMDF Develop,test and qualify Built-in diagnosibility, tracing, verification tools Logo programs for drivers Deployment, Install and Maintain Support versioning
Windows Driver Foundation: Model One conceptual model to learn for all (both kernel and user-mode) drivers Model implies Object model, object hierarchies, state machines Does not refer to DDIs, data structures etc. Note that a framework may only implement a subset of the model e.g., User mode framework will not implement support for Interrupts Supports rich and deep functionality (unlike WDM) Intelligent defaulting Allows implementation in many languages (C, C++) Allows verification by static tools Enables driver isolation using user mode driver framework
WDF Value Proposition A quicker, cheaper and easier way of developing and deploying your driver to market Reduced chances that device driver is a cause of system crash Reduced support costs Better diagnosability and debugging and logging support Improved system stability and reliability Higher quality drivers Automated discovery of driver bugs via static tools System robustness Better system security User mode tools like Visual Studio can be used for development Better power management Consistent experience across pluggable devices
Device Class / Driver ModelKMDFUMDFSDVPFD Modem, CD ROM devices, Keyboard, Mouse YesNoYes SCSI – StorPortNo Yes Display cardsNo Yes Ethernet devicesNo Yes DSL/Cable ModemsYesNo Yes Video Capture devices (Webcams)No Yes Anti-virus filtersNo Yes Digital cameras/portable media players/cell phones/PDAs etc NoYesNoYes PrintersNo Yes ScannersNo Yes WDF Device Support Scope: Longhorn
Kernel Mode Driver Framework
Previously referred to as “Windows Driver Framework” Implements the model in kernel mode Built as a library on top of WDM Supported from Windows 2000 and forward Beta/Pre-release bits are available today Object based ‘C’ only Supports PNP and Power WMI DMA Requests and Queue IO targets
Kernel Mode Driver Framework Status Feature complete e.g. Object Model, PnP/PM, I/O queues etc. Beta bits are available through beta program 22 samples in the kit Installs with Windows Server SP1 DDK Current Windows codenamed “Longhorn” drivers using KMDF Universal audio bus driver WinUSB Monitor function driver Internal MSFT test drivers DDIs are open to refinement based on feedback from the WDF beta program
Kernel Mode Driver Framework Proof Points
Case Study: PCIDRV Sample MetricWDMWDFComments Line Count Explicit registration of granular event callbacks add to the line count LOC devoted to PnP/PM Almost 6000 lines of code is eliminated Locks83This is the most important stat. This explains the complexity State variables devoted to PnP/PM 300This explains that there are fewer paths in the driver and thus less testing and complexity This sample is written for the Intel E100B NIC Card. This is a WDM version of a network driver. Both samples are in the DDK and are functionally equivalent.
Case Study: Serial Sample MetricWDMWDFComments Line Count Explicit registration of granular event callbacks add to the line count LOC devoted to PnP/PM Locks & Synchronization Primitives100This is the most important stat. This explains the complexity State variables devoted to PnP/PM530There are fewer paths in the driver and hence less complexity WDF sample does not support multi-port serial (WDM sample supports it). WDM stats exclude multi-port support serial code
Case Study: OSRUSBFX2 Sample MetricWDMWDFComments Line Count Explicit registration of granular event callbacks add to the line count LOC devoted to PnP/PM includes code to initialize the USB Locks (6 Events, 3 SpinLocks)90This is the most important stat. This explains the complexity State variables devoted to PnP/PM210There are fewer paths in the driver and hence less complexity The WDM version of OSRUSBFx2 sample available on and the WDF version provided in the DDK are functionally equivalent.
User Mode Driver Framework
Implements the model in user mode Support for: PnP/PM, Asynchronous I/O, layering No support for: Interrupts, DMA, access to hardware registers, client address space etc. Languages C++ Fits within the Windows I/O model Naming, security, discovery APIs remain the same Applications write to Win32 APIs Supports recovery from driver crashes increase system robustness Kernel mode drivers CANNOT be stacked on top of user mode drivers Supported in Longhorn only Down level support to Windows XP being evaluated
Kernel Mode/User Mode Feature Comparison FeatureKMDFUMDF PnP/PMYes Async I/OYes Filter supportYes Recovery from failureNoYes LanguagesCC++ Interrupts, DMA etcYesNo Driver InstallationYes When KMDF DMA, Interrupt, requires use of non paged pool, strict timing requirements Access to hardware When UMDF Software drivers, drivers that just need PNP and IO support Devices on protocol bus (USB-based “Hello Kitty device”)
User Mode Driver Framework Status WinHEC Development platform is Windows Driver Kit (WDK) Current Windows Team Clients ActiveSync (Windows Mobile devices) MTP (media players, cameras) Aux display Potential device classes Cellular phones Portable media players, Scanners, Cameras Network connected devices Any protocol bus (USB) based devices not related to input, display, storage or networking Devices that need PNP and IO support
Verification Tools Verify that drivers follow interface specifications Dynamic Driver Verifier already built in to Windows Static PREfast Verifies rules within the scope of a function Many WDM specific rules (IRQL checking) have been added Static Driver Verifier Uses formal checking technology Examines the entire code path in the driver Currently focused on verifying WDM rules WDF interfaces designed to be easily verified by these tools Works on both Kernel and User mode driver frameworks
Summary WDF is the new driver model for driver development It addresses key IHV/OEM concerns Fast time to market, technical support costs, learning curve etc KMDF backward compatible up to Windows 2000 It intends to reduce customer pain points WDF intends to provides a complete driver development experience Aims to reduce OS crashes due to poorly- written drivers WDF targets production of high quality of drivers for Windows
Call to Action Work together with us to make WDF successful Consider WDF for any Windows driver development project Join WDF beta program Use the guest account (Guest ID: Guest4WDF) on to sign up for beta Contact info - Kernel Mode Driver Framework - User Mode Driver Framework - PREfast for Drivers - Static Driver Verifier Newsgroups Web Resources
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