Water heater P L Solar Thermal Systems Flat plate type
High efficiency collectors TINOX Titan high efficiency absorber with selective film coated to maximize heat absorption. High pressure collector with 10 Bar normal working pressure and 12 Bar Maximum working pressure. Black anodized aluminum alloy frame for additional corrosion protection. Slim design with thickness 80mm 2 m2 and 2.5m2 collectors available Designed under EN and have been approved by Solar-Keymark and JAS-ANZ
Water reserve tank Glass-line inner tank can endure 7 bar pressure. With magnesium rod for long-lasting protection against rust and corrosion. Copper or enamel coil pipe exchanger inside. With electrical auxiliary heater. 50 mm CFC free polyurethane foaming insulation 150L(40 Gallon) and 200L (52 Gallon ) available. CE approved
Solar station Compact design with pump inside With pressure and temperature display. With 2 temperature sensors Expansion tank and connection kits inside. CE approved Smart design with 4 heating mode - Solar heating: - Electric heating: - Pre-set heating: - Smart heating:
Solar systems Close circulation domestic hot water system, free hot water from the sun. Indirect pumped system with coil pipe exchanger. Full anti-freeze system, operate in all climate conditions. With electric heater back up. Intelligent system design. 150L and 200L available 300,400,500L bigger capacity under development