1 1 Eating the “wrong” Paleo foods You’re trying to cram your old diet into a Paleo diet and are not focusing on eating whole foods. Yes if you use Google you can find Paleo Pizza, Paleo Pad Thai, Paleo Fried Chicken, Paleo Cookies, etc. these are not optimal food choices and if this is all that you’re eating then you’re really not getting the best Paleo foods. Try to stick to clean, whole foods based meals. 2 2 Going “nuts” on nuts! Nuts are yummy, portable, and really easy to over eat on. If you’re plowing through nuts, this applies to nut butters too, then either cut back on them or cut them out. How do you know if you’re eating too many nuts…if you’re going through 1 pound or more a week, knocking back a full jar of nut butter in a few days, then this may be you. Nuts are one of the foods in a Paleo diet that are high in Omega 6s so you really to want to monitor how much you are eating. 3 3 I’m hungry all the time… If you’re finding that you’re hungry all the time when you switch to a Paleo way of eating, that’s a sign that you haven’t balanced your foods right. Start writing down what you’re eating, chances are you’re not eating enough, especially in the protein and fat area. Now as mentioned in #2 be careful about eating too many nuts, add fats through coconut, coconut oil, avocado, olives, and adding olive oil and butter to your foods. Adding more protein and fat will also help crowd out if you’re too heavy on the fruit and carb dense veggies, these are Paleo carbs and eating too many of them can do the same thing grains can causing spikes in insulin and the resulting hunger.
1 1 Watch your fruit intake If you’re trying to lean out and not noticing a difference on standard Paleo take a look at your fruit intake. You should be having 2 -3 servings of fruit per day. Cut out dried fruit, it’s really easy to overeat on it and its concentrated sugar, basically it’s Paleo candy. 2 2 Too many Paleo Treats If you’re regularly eating Paleo treats – both homemade things like cookies, brownies, muffins, etc., to lean out you need to cut these calories out. Just like regular desserts and treats, Paleo treats are supposed to be sometimes foods – not all the time foods just because it’s Paleo. Also watch your overall nut consumption, nuts are highly caloric, convenient, and yummy and are easy to overdo. 3 3 Avoid Liquid Calories Liquid calories are easy and fast to get down, don’t require as much digestion as solid foods and cause a higher insulin spike that whole foods do. Liquid calories include things like smoothies, anything diary if you have dairy in your diet, whey protein, and alcohol. Cut out these sources from your lifestyle to see if this helps you reach your goals. Things like bone broth & homemade soups are still ok to consume. 4 4 I eat mostly Paleo If you aren’t already doing a strict Paleo diet, switch over – drop the dairy, drop the weekly cheat of eating corn tortillas or whatever your thing is. Be honest with yourself and see where you can do better and cut out the indulgences like the dark chocolate and Paleo or almost Paleo treats.