WEB 2.0: Definitions, glossary, tools and uses. Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities.


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Presentation transcript:

WEB 2.0: Definitions, glossary, tools and uses. Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities

Contents Definition Web 2.0 tools and definitions Educational uses Web 2.0 in context Glossary of web 2.0 terms Useful links References Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities V

Definition Web 2.0 is described as the “read/write web” or “the social web” or “a way users can share information, collaborate on content and converse worldwide via social-software tools” O’Connell, J. 2005, Judy’s web 2.0 notes, weblog post, 6 September, accessed 9 October 2007, < / Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities V 3 V

Web 2.0 tools: definitions & examples Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities Part 1 V 4

Web 2.0 tools: Definitions and examples Web 2.0 defined (with examples) Virtual Worlds? Blogging? RSS? Wiki? Podcast? Social Networking? Photosharing? Social Bookmarking? Social Networking? V 5 V

Services which allow people to interact through digital personas or avatars. 1. Active Life: 2. Second Life: 3. There: Virtual Worlds V 6 V

Blogs Online journals which are continually updated. Blogs combine text, images, links to other blogs and web pages 1. Blogger: 2. Edublogs: 3. Wordpress: Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities V 7 V

RSS Really Simple Syndication or Feed RSS takes the updated content from the users’ favourite web sites and delivers it to the user. 1. Bloglines: 2. GoogleReader: 3. Yahoo Pipes: These tools are called readers or feed collectors or aggregators V 8 V Web 2.0 tools: Definitions and examples

Wiki A wiki is a collaborative website and authoring tool that allows users to easily add, remove and edit content. 1. Wikispaces: 2. Wetpaint: 3. PBWiki: V 9 V Web 2.0 tools: Definitions and examples

Podcast A podcast is a digital audio file that is distributed through the Internet 1. Audacity: 2. Podsafe: Audio: 3. Talkshoe: V 1010 V Web 2.0 tools: Definitions and examples

Social Networking These sites help people build communities of people who share interests and activities 1. My Space: 2. Ning: 3. Facebook: Web 2.0 tools: Definitions and examples V 11 V

Websites where users can upload, view and share video clips and photos 1. You Tube: 2. Flickr: 3. TeacherTube: Web 2.0 tools: Definitions and examples Photosharing V 1212 V

A way for internet users to store, classify, share and search their internet bookmarks 1. Del.icio.us: 2. Furl: 3. Technotorati: Social Bookmarking Web 2.0 tools: Definitions and examples V 1313 V

Social Networking These sites help people build communities of people who share interests and activities 1. My Space: 2. Ning: 3. Facebook: Web 2.0 tools: Definitions and examples V 1414 V

Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities Educational uses of: blogs podcasts wikis Part 2 V 1515

Uses for Blogs Information can be communicated using a blog through: creative writing publishing stories sharing reflections on learning writing online debating dialogue for group work sharing resources Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities V 1616 V

Uses for Podcasts What information can be distributed through Podcasts? School news Student book reviews and book activities Interviews Events Plays and programs National and International news Current events Oral presentations Lessons Collaborative projects Government documents Reviews Book talks Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities V 1717 V

Uses of Wikis Information can be developed with a Wiki students can create simple websites students can write, revise and submit assignments through a wiki students can collaborate on assignments-group assignments students can share lists of resources which all can access students can log and share information and experiences from excursions Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities V 1818 V

Placing web 2.0 in context with web 1.0 Part 3 V 1919

Placing web 2.0 terms in context with web 1.0 helps to define the concept of web 2.0 further eg: Web 1.0 was about control Web 2.0 is about connect Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities Web 2.0 in context V 2020 V

Web 1.0 was about surfing, browsing and consuming Web 2.0 is about connecting, collaborating, sharing and creating Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities Web 2.0 in context V 2121 V

Web 1.0 was producer centred Web 2.0 is consumer centred Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities Web 2.0 in context V 2 V

Web 1.0 was read only Web 2.0 is read/write Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities Web 2.0 in context V 2323 V

Web 1.0 was about text and photos Web 2.0 is about audio and video Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities Web 2.0 in context V 2424 V

Web 1.0 was about content management Web 2.0 is about wikis Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities Web 2.0 in context V 2525 V

Web 1.0 was about passive consuming Web 2.0 is about participation Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities V 2626 V

Web 1.0 was about HTML Web 2.0 is about XTML Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities Web 2.0 in context V 2727 V

Web 1.0 was based on taxonomies Web 2.0 is based on folksonomies Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities Web 2.0 in context V 2828 V

Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities Web 2.0 in context Web 1.0 was based on personal websites Web 2.0 is based on blogs V 2929 V

Web 1.0 was about reading Web 2.0 is about writing Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities Web 2.0 in context V 3030 V

Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities Glossary of web 2.0 terms Part 4 V 3131

Glossary of Web 2.0 terms Aggregator or feed/news reader collects and organises content generated by feeds and displays it in aggregator websites like “Bloglines” or “Google Reader” Avatars Graphical images representing people online. Can be icon or photo but mainly used for cartoon/computer animated persons. Blogs - “web log” Online journals which are continually updated. Blogs combine text, images, links to other blogs and web pages. Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities V 3232 V

Glossary of Web 2.0 terms Feeds - see aggregator are the means by which you can read, view or listen to items from blogs and other RSS-enabled sites without visiting the sites. Folksonomy - see tagging Folksonomies are derived from 2 words “folk” + “taxonomy” and are a democratic way of classifying information by using “tags” Mashup a website that combines 2 or more tools to create a new service e.g. Google Map uses traffic information from Google maps. Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities V 3 V

Glossary of Web 2.0 terms Newsreader-see feeds & aggregator A website or desktop tool that acts as an aggregator, gathering content from blogs using RSS feeds so you can read the content in one place Podcasts an audio or video file that can be downloaded automatically through a subscription to a website so you can view or listen offline. Photosharing & video websites where people can upload, view and share video clips & photos Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities V 3434 V

Glossary of Web 2.0 terms RSS - Really simple syndication RSS takes the updated content from the users’ favourite blogs, news web sites and podcasts and delivers it directly to users. Social bookmarking A way for internet users to store, classify and search their internet book marks. Also lets people share their favourite web sites. Social network service Websites that help people build communities of people who share interest and activities Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities V 3535 V

Glossary of Web 2.0 terms Tagging- see folksonomies Adding descriptive words to an item - website, photo or blogpost - resulting in “Folksonomy”. Tagging makes sharing and searching content easier Virtual worlds - see avatars Computer-based simulated environment intended for it’s users to inhabit via avatars VOIP Phone service that allows users to make computer – to - computer phone calls Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities V 3636 V

Glossary of Web 2.0 terms Web 2.0 The 2nd generation of web where online content and applications are created, collaborated on and shared by the web community. Wikis Collaborative website where anyone can edit content. Wikis can be used to create extensive databases developed and expanded by users. XML-extensible markup language It is the basis of the feeds and syndication that are driving web 2.0 content distribution. Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities V 3737 V

Useful links Part 5 V 3838

Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities Useful links - General V 3939 V

To search web 2.0 information more effectively visit: Finds blogs finds news articles finds RSS feeds and monitors the world of blogs. Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities Useful links - searching 2.0 sites V 4040 V

Useful links – evaluating 2.0 sites Useful links to use for web evaluation focus on safety in social networking Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities V 4141 V

References Resources for teachers on web 2.0 and other applications, ABC Wiki, viewed 18 October, 2007, < Resources_for_Teachers_on_Web_2.0/> O’Connell, J. 2005, Judy’s web 2.0 notes, weblog post, 6 September, accessed 9 October 2007, Richardson, W. 2005, RSS: A quick start guide for educators, weblog post, 11 May, accessed 22 May 2007, Richardson, W. 2006, Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and other powerful web tools for classrooms, Corwin Press, USA. Use web 2.0 tools to create vibrant learning communities V 4242 V