Gangrene By Nolan Quinn and Maddy Sorel
What Gangrene=Death and decay of body tissue caused by insufficient blood supply, Usually following disease, infection, injury, blood vessel disease, or surgery. Thrive where there is no oxygen
Types and Where Dry Gangrene= affects bodies extremities 1. arteries get blocked= tissue slowly dies 2. Affected body parts feel cold and turn dark, it will dry and wither/eventually falling off 3. Mostly affects extremities such as fingers and toes Wet Gangrene= occurs with injury and infection 1. Injury restricts blood flow to the certain area 2. Blood cant flow to tissue so can’t fight infection= infection sets in, 3. Swelling from infection= even less blood flow= fast spreading gangrene=life threatening 4. Become swollen, discolored, and smelly. Necrotising Fasciitis= Caused by serious bacterial infection, sometimes referred to as flesh-eating bacteria Bacteria enters a cut and spreads quickly, releases toxins Block blood to surrounding skin, causing death of skin Mostly attacks people with very low immune systems Gas Gangrene= just like Necrotising except develops deep in body ex) muscles (mostly from surgical wounds) Releases gasses and toxins to kill living tissue, then spreads Loves to be in low oxygen areas
Types/Where continued Internal Gangrene=affects internal organs 1. Blood flow to internal organ is blocked 2. Happens when complications occur with a hernia 3. Usually affects organs such as intestines, gallbladder, or appendix.
How Occurs when there is dead tissue On toes, fingers and limbs It spreads by killing off more tissue It spread extremely fast usually must amputate
Symtoms Three types: Dry, Wet, Gas Dry: affected area-cold numb red to brown to black and shriveled Wet: swollen- decays, extremely painful, smelly, oozing then turns black and affected person develops a fever Gas: brownish red discharge oozes, Gas produced by Clostridia may produce a crackling sensation, painful, then high fever and increase in heart rate
Where Toes, fingers, limbs Internal organs Feet legs (most common)
Civil War
Graphs/Statistics Top countries with condtions: Egypt, U.S.A, Gerogia, Nepal, Canada
Treatment Antibiotics are available at hospitals Administration of pressured oxygen “Maggot Therapy” (popular in WW1) Amputation Removal of affected area
Warning Gross pictures ahead
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Wet, Dry, and Gas Wet Dry Gas
Citations gangrene-not-elsewhere-classified gangrene-not-elsewhere-classified