Mission of the COACH program The COACH position offers exceptional students the opportunity to be leaders to fellow students at BTC working towards their General Equivalency Diploma (GED), and Basic Skills (ABE) transition classes and English as a Second Language students.(ESL) Coaches share their knowledge about the many opportunities at BTC and serve as guides to campus and academic resources. Coaches assist in facilitating a one-hour seminar, once a week for the fall semester and are responsible for organizing educational and social activities to help students become better acquainted with each other, faculty members, and the BTC community
Benefits to you Strengthen your relationships with campus body An opportunity to mentor new students and assist with their transition to BTC Leadership development Create spirit and enthusiasm for learning and BTC events like the Welding Rodeo Share your knowledge of campus resources Form professional relationships with advisors, faculty and staff A stipend at the end of the quarter
As a C oach you have the power to influence peoples lives by being; As a C oach you have the power to influence peoples lives by being; Respectful A Role Model Reliable Patient Trustworthy Good Listener
Effective Coaching Identify with students Share your experiences with school How you developed study skills Help others find academic resources
Time Commitment We expect our Coaches to be committed to helping students adjust to life as a student and encouraging connecting experiences with the campus body inside a learning environment Coaches can choose to lead study groups with students, organize Coach events and collaborate on service learning projects The time spent coaching and preparing for seminar varies but; attendance at weekly trainings and hanging out
Topics we will cover at trainings; Diversity Conflict resolution Emotional intelligence Systemic poverty
Topics we will cover at trainings; Diversity Conflict resolution Emotional intelligence Systemic poverty Please make suggestions today and as needed for trainings that will make you feel more effective as a COACH..
Questions for me? Thank you for your time and for making BTC a welcoming place for incoming students
Citations University of Texas Austin erviewing accessed August, erviewing