Mrs. Webber Sorry, I have a cold and my voice is not too good today.
Important Information Restrooms are straight outside the classroom door and across the walkway. They are on the back of the building across from us. You do not need permission to use the restrooms.
What classes do we offer here? GED Preparation CAHSEE Preparation (High School Diploma Exam) Students work in a computer lab at their own pace with online software. The instructor teaches what is needed to pass the exams. Students can use the online software at home too, but they must attend the classes. High School Diploma Credit Classes These are online. Students can work from home and come to class to take their tests each week.
Can Anyone Get a Diploma? Yes….but first For everyone, we will have to see how many credits short you are of the 200 that this school requires for graduation. 30 credits can take someone one year to do If you haven’t passed CAHSEE- You will have to show me that you can pass CAHSEE math and English before you can do any diploma work. If you have passed CAHSEE- you may be able to do diploma work…
The GED fills in missing credits Right now, the GED will fill in all of your missing credits except for the following: Economics – 5 credits American Government – 5 credits Algebra – 10 credits US History – 10 credits If you already have these credits, then you do not have to do them again!
What you need to do next: Stay and continue testing. If you think you want a diploma, schedule a meeting with our principal for a credit evaluation Mr. Halfman If you are not sure what you want, just do the GED class. It prepares you for the CAHSEE. After you pass the GED, you can begin your diploma work if you want to do it.
Today’s Testing There are 5 GED tests, but you will take 3 tonight because all 5 take too much time. Language Arts Writing Part II Language Arts Reading Language Arts Writing Part I Math Part I Math Part II Please do these tests first
Today’s Testing Please raise your hand and ask questions if you have any.