UNISON speaking up for TAs subtitle
UNISON speaking up for TAs The teaching assistant workforce Various job titles e.g. classroom assistants, pupil support assistants, learning support assistants 359,200 TAs in England alone (Department for Education, November 2012) Over 90% of TAs are women Minimum local authority starting salary is £12,145, but most TAs get term-time only pay Academies and free schools can set their own pay rates for new starters
UNISON speaking up for TAs What do TAs do? The TA role is incredibly varied..... Provide administrative support to teachers Help children with special needs to stay in mainstream schools – physical, emotional and learning support May provide targeted intervention programmes and support, such as reading programmes, spelling drives and maths support At higher levels, may support groups of pupils on their own, prepare learning activities and cover classes
UNISON speaking up for TAs Under the coalition government... July 2010: Funding for Higher Level TAs scrapped October 2010: School Support Staff Negotiating Body scrapped April 2013: Gove asks School Teachers Review Body to consider scrapping list of tasks reserved for support staff June 2013: Press reports the Treasury and Department for Education want to phase out teaching assistants
UNISON speaking up for TAs
UNISON’s response Emergency motion passed at local government conference to launch campaign to speak up for teaching assistants New area launched on website: Urgent meeting with Michael Gove Teaching Assistants celebration day announced for 29 November
UNISON speaking up for TAs
Where are we now? UNISON has won assurances from the Department of Education that there are no national plans to phase out TAs However, some government sources have been trying to discredit TAs by misusing research to show that they have little impact It is vital we continue to speak up for TAs during this period of austerity
UNISON speaking up for TAs Supporting the TA profession Working with an respected education charity to improving the career structure for TAs and create professional standards Annual school support staff seminar Regional events in partnership with the Open University and the Workers’ Educational Association Represent school support staff on government forums Speak at education conferences about the impact of teaching assistants and the issues they face Teaching assistant survey (November 2013) nkey.com/s/7ZZ8BHF nkey.com/s/7ZZ8BHF
UNISON speaking up for TAs Campaign goals Raise the profile of the TA profession in government and with the public Demonstrate the value TAs bring to our classrooms Continue to call for improved pay for teaching assistants and all school support staff Encourage government and schools to fund TA training Minimize job losses Get more school support staff to join UNISON!
UNISON speaking up for TAs Campaign materials Please order through the online catalogue or A5 leaflet for TAs (stock number 3299) A5 leaflet for public (stock number 21966) Stickers (stock numbers & 21957) Posters available for TA celebration day (stock number 3330) Template letters for MPs and head teachers (on UNISON website) Learning together in schools (order from
UNISON speaking up for TAs
UNISON speaking up for TAs