Poultry Industry
Terms Rooster Hen Pullet Chick Capon Poult Tom
Terms Rooster = intact male Chicken Hen = mature Female (either) Pullet = young female Chicken Chick = baby Chicken Capon = castrated male chicken Poult = baby turkey Tom = intact male Turkey
Poultry Production Most poultry in the United States is produced through vertical integration contracts with large commercial operations. Types of Poultry Operations Egg Production Broiler Production Replacement Pullet Production Start at 13 min: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xMND9UBaSA
Broilers vs. Layers What is the difference? What do we have in NC? Sandersonfarms.com
Egg Production (producing eggs for human consumption) Laying hens are typically confined to cages or a floor-pen system. Eggs are cleaned, graded and packed at the farm. The laying hens produce eggs for approximately 72 weeks and then they are then sold for meat once their production cycle is complete. Over ½ of laying hens are raised through vertical integration contracts.
Poultry Production Herbruck’s Poultry Ranch: Egg Farm Hen House - 8 Eggs 101: Inside a Hen House - 27 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUN4mIfC4o0&list= PL50D2BF52B7CFD1DE
Broiler Production (poultry produced for meat consumption) Poultry are fed high quality feed to maximize growth. Hormones cannot be added according to USDA standards. A producer will raise several flocks of birds each year. Broilers are processed into cuts of meat and also value added products such as sandwich meat, pre-cooked products, etc. Approximately 99% of broilers are raised through vertical integration contracts.
Poultry Production Replacement Pullet Production- raising chickens to replace either egg production or broiler production operations.
We are at the top We rank top five in both broilers and turkeys! $1.5 Billion per year in Broilers $.5 billion per year in Turkeys We do not rank in layers
Only Place not completely Owned = Contract Grower Industry Segments Breeder Flock Hatchery Feed Mill Only Place not completely Owned = Contract Grower Grow Out Processing Plant Rendering Further Processing Distribution
Grow Out Most farms are contract growers Farms buy day old Chicks and grow them to maturity, then sell them back to the company Land and facilities = overhead cost Paid based on weight gained Success is with feed efficiency. Company wants to be sure that the grower is not wasting the feed provided.
Life Cycle - Chickens Incubation period = 21 days 24 weeks to start laying eggs Broilers processed at about 42 days (range of 35 - 72 days) or 3.5 - 8 pounds
Life Cycle - Turkeys 28 Day incubation period start laying at 30 weeks Processed at about 18 weeks (16 - 25) and 22 lbs for hens and 27 lbs for toms
Chicken Breeds White leghorns White Lay white eggs Most popular egg layer http://elizabethritan.wordpress.com/2012/09/17/be-kind-to-your-fine-feathered-friends/
Chicken Breeds Plymouth Rock Broilers White, or white and black http://www.blurtit.com/q150884.html http://www.backyardchickens.com/t/273471/plymouth-rock-thread/3550
Chicken breeds Rhode Island Red Red in color Lay brown eggs Where have we seen these before? http://www.bestofcluck.com/blog/chicken-breed-rhode-island-red-and-white/
Chicken Breeds Female liner - Plymouth Rock Male liner - Cornish Common Cross/Cornish Cross Female liner - Plymouth Rock Male liner - Cornish http://www.flickriver.com/photos/tags/iridescent/interesting/
Turkey Breeds Broadbreasted Bronze Turkey Black in Color
Turkey Breeds Broadbreasted Large white turkeys White in color http://www.valleyofthemoonpoults.com/products
Turkey Breeds Beltsville Small White turkeys white in color and smaller in size http://www.backyardpoultrymag.com/issues/4/4-5/comparing_heritage_turkey_varieties.html