Jungle News January 30-Feb.3, 2012 Jungle News ACMACM
Need to report a situation of bullying? You can do so in a safe And confidential way at: reportabully.com Let your counselor know if you have any questions.
Ready Set Teach! Don’t forget to sign up for Ready Set Teach next year if your going to be a junior or senior! RST is a 2 period class worth 2 creditsRST is a 2 period class worth 2 credits Will be offered at both high schoolsWill be offered at both high schools Has lots of great guest speakersHas lots of great guest speakers Involves an internship at schools of your choiceInvolves an internship at schools of your choice Is for girls AND guysIs for girls AND guys
Senior Scholarships Go to ACMHS website Click on Academics Click on Counseling scroll down to bottom right Click on Scholarship Information
32 Hour non Credit Online Driver’s Ed Ages $ To enroll: go to click on driver’s ed button Or call
Dear College Station High School Students, We hope you and your parents can make it to one of the following informational meetings regarding College Station High School! Upcoming informational meetings will occur in the CSMS Cafeteria on the following dates: Monday, February 6 and Wednesday, February 8 Meetings will run from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm.
Tiger Friends 1 st and 3 rd Thursday EVERY Month! Ms. Snider’s Room Come Join in on the Fun! 4:00-4:30
Way to go!! – AMCHS Speech and Debate 2 nd Place
Congratulations to A C M FCCLA Participants
FAFSA preparation Sunday February 12, A C M Go to Collegegoalsundaytexas.org for registration instructions
A PLACE FOR FRESHMEN AT AMCHS THE FRESHMAN LEARNING LAB THE FRESHMAN LEARNING LAB ROOM 2113 FRESHMAN LEARNING LAB offers…. TUTORIALS ~ Algebra 1, I.P.C, English 1, World History COMPUTER ACCESS QUIET STUDY TIME **COME BY BEFORE SCHOOL OR BETWEEN CLASSES AND GET A FLL PASS TO COME IN DURING YOUR ADVOCATE.** THE FRESHMAN LEARNING LAB hours are: Monday – Friday 7:45 am – 8:10 am (no pass required for before school) Monday – Friday 11:00 am – 1:00 pm (4 TH period lunch/advocate-Learning Lab Pass) FRESHMAN LEARNING LAB – HALL PASS Student’s name___________________________ Purpose of visit___________________________ Advocate:AB C D Teacher_______________________ Date______ Lab Initials________ Time leaving class____ Teacher initials___
If you have books that are used in one semester classes, please return them to the front office! Ex. Government, Economics, etc.
aC m
vs Copperas Cove HS Tues, Jan 31, 2012 Fresh White-4:30 Maroon-5:30 JV-5:30, V-7:00 Fri. Feb Heights Maroon-5:30, JV-5:30, V-7:00 GIRLS BASKETBALL
Fri. Feb 3 vs Harker Heights Fresh Maroon- 5:00 JV-5:30, Varsity 7:00 Jan Copperas Cove
@ Bryan 4:00 pm Feb 1, 2012 Feb. 4 9:00 Killeen Shoemaker
Boys Soccer Vs- Field Friday, Feb 3 JVB-5:00 JVA-6:30 Varsity- 8:00
Girls Soccer Friday, Feb (Woodson Field) Silver- 5:00 pm Varsity- 7:00 pm
Girls Tennis Tuesday, Jan The Woodlands Tournament JV- Friday, Feb Groesbeck 3:30
Tues. Jan 31 Magnolia JV-5:00 pm V-6:30 pm ACM Softball Field Sat. Feb. (Lovette Elem ) V-9:00 am, JV- 9:00 am
Tues, Jan. Oakhurst, Caney Creek
@ Kingwood Friday, Feb. 3 Consol Gymnastics
Tiger Powerlifting Saturday, Feb HighSchool
D i s c o v e r y o u r P o w e r i n !