Weebly Education in the Classroom: Create your own Website by Crystal Barletta
Use Weebly Educator Weebly Educator is a free website builder for educators and has multiple uses: Weebly Educator – Post assignments – Post class information – Import files – Import videos – Import pictures – Create links to other websites – Collect assignments using the Digital Dropbox – Create digital student portfolios – Create classes and add students
Create a Free Website in Minutes! Step 1: Go to and sign up. You will be asked to create a username, password, and provide an address
Step 1
Step 2 Step 2: Create a website-click on create a site, name it, and assign a url (Example:
Step 2: Create Site
Step 2 Continued
Let the Creation Begin! Step 3: Start creating- choose a design (you can change this later and alter the pictures) Step 4: Create your page: click and drag on the elements of your choice to add titles, paragraphs, pictures, video, files, etc.
Step 3: Select a Design
Step 5: Add pages and even a blog by clicking on pages and naming them (Example: English 9, English 9 Honors, English 12 Honors, Suggested Sites, Blog)
Manage/Add Pages
Publish Your Site Step 6: Publish your website-click on the orange publish button and save the link, this is the site students will see You can make changes at any time and re- publish your site and instantly see the changes applied to the site
Creation and Publication Complete!
Additional Features
Set up your Form
View Received Form To view student forms close your page so that you are viewing “My Sites” There are three buttons to the right of your site: Edit Site, Statistics, and More Click on “More” Edit SiteStatistics More
-You will have a choice of viewing Blog Comments, Form Entries, as well as an option to Delete your site -Click on “Form Entries” to view received forms
Create a Blog Create a Blog by clicking on “Pages” Click on “New Blog” Post information, discussion questions, or assignments You can monitor blog responses before they are displayed online To check Blog responses, follow the same procedure for checking submitted forms
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View my Weebly Education Websites: Contemporary World Literature: English Composition I: English Composition II: Technology Writing