Population/Types of Disabilities, Assessment, Prevention, Education and Awareness in Pakistan Scenario Dr. Humaira Bano Assistant Professor Department of Special Education University of the Punjab, Lahore
Projected Formula and Pop. PWDs HHRD 2.65% than 2.54% Facing social & economic disadvantage & denial of most basic fundamental rights
Disability wise Population in Pakistan Approximately (2. 54%) of the total population comprise on PWDs and about 2.49% (registered) Ref. (Guidelines, 2012) Which is about about 3.2 million of 184 million According to Census 1998 (2.54% )of total population is consists on PWDs Blind (8.06%), Deaf & Hard of hearing (7.43%), Physically handicap (18.93%), Severely M.R. (6.39%), M.R. (7.60%), Having more than one disability (8.23%), Others (43.36) (UNICEF, 2003) Total enrollment is about 28,000 children with disabilities. This comes to 4% of the total school age children with disabilities. And 5% with new projected formula
Disability Wise Distribution of Organizations in Pakistan (Education, Assessment, Prevention, Rehabilitation and etc.) Categories AJK Baluchistan Capital Northern Area NWFP Punjab Sindh Total Hearing Impairment 6 5 15 11 22 160 48 267 Mental retardation 3 4 14 8 17 140 67 253 Visual Impairment 1 12 103 25 175 Physical disability 19 10 28 129 53 248 Multiple disabilities 66 27 120 Census 1998, Bureau of Statistics
Services provided to PWDs in Pakistani Institutions Total Institutions Education 423 Guidance and counseling 299 Vocational Training 292 Sports and recreation 290 Assessment 264 Rehabilitation 234 Therapeutic services 218 Early Identification/intervention 133 Medical Treatment/alternative medicine Community services 131 Prevention 122 Social uplift/empowerment 116 Employment 99 Outreach program 88 Old age benefits 25 Source: Survey and facilities for persons with disabilities in Pakistan. DGSE, Ministry of Social Welfare and Special Education, Govt. of Pakistan, Islamabad, 2006 (Directory, 2006)
Need to Do for PWDs Individual level Family Level Village Level Social mobilization Individual level Family Level Village Level Tehsil /District level Provincial Level National Level Health Care Facilities Initial Survey for PWDs Categorization Awareness regarding to early detection , interventional and health issues Awareness at local level Medical assessment about each types of disabilities Provision of assistive devices if needed Issuance of CNIC for Inclusion Linkages Development among organizations Developing & strengthening referral system Inclusion for Education Initial surveys and categorization Research to develop awareness among community members for rehabilitation Medical screening and identification for placement Working on Inclusion, Integration and segregation according to needs of special needs Identification of school Making the route identified Making the school accessible Teachers training in mainstream schools
Need to Do for PWDs Income Generation Opportunities Self employment through small scale enterprise development With intellectual disability (less than 18 years) Participation PWDs In community Development PWDs with age 18 or above PWDs with moderate disabilities (physical, blind, low vision and low hearing) Participation of PWDs in Sports To address the gender base need Inclusion of All types of PWDs Development of Social inclusion e Source: Guidelines for Promoting Rehabilitation and Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Mainstreaming Development, 2012
Actual Problem Less employments opportunities with reference to need of PWDs If available , didn't match to level of disability, education , skills, or functional level Problem in Job sustainability (accessibility, mobility, low income, less job guidance) No survey to identify disability oriented jobs with reference to latest market needs No in-service training for PWDs Less disability oriented infrastructure leading to accessibility problem to PWDs Less Co-ordination of organizations of PWDs working by themselves at National/Provincial/Local (District & Thesil) Level No sheltered workshops at Schools/ Colleges/ Universities None availability of relevant literature to identify vocations with reference to disability needs in local context Lack of CBR in at local /national level
Possible Solutions Need of authentic data with reference to Type of Disability, Level of Disability, Skills identifications of PWDs (*Females) District Education Councils must have identified list of Public/private organizations to refer the PWDs according to their skills & type of disability Identification and Networking of organizations of PWDs at Village /Provincial/National Level to connect them with various public & private organizations Emphasis on Vocational Education in regular curricula Capacity development through teachers training programs at degree awarding institutions in vocational skills along the literacy skills at special/regular setup Establishment of a cell to manufacture low cost equipments for the PWDs Approval of Law to look in to rights with right base approach
Possible Solutions Identifications of vocational skills with regard to gender specific as well as micro financing for them by Govt./ INGOs Development of CBR strategies to monitor and implement employment quota of PWDs in consultation with funding organizations of Govt. and INGOs, Development of manual (based on various skills ) in consultation with Public/Private Industries , PWDs and professionals of D.A.I. for Vocational education Counseling of PWDs as well their contemporaries at job places to enhance the job sustainability Need to review the salary packages of PWDs with reference to market value Development of sports activities for all to make them more socially included Media utilizations by specifying sort of programs or times to aware the community
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