Slide 1 Industry Sectors Sept 2005
Slide 2 Primary Sector 1 st stage of production, using the earths natural resources…Farming, Fishing, Oil, Diamonds…
Slide 3 Secondary Sector 2 nd stage of production, converting the raw goods from primary stage into a manufactured or processed goods
Slide 4 Tertiary Sector Tertiary stage of production, providing services to customers and other businesses
Slide 5 Summary Sector Secondary Tertiary Insurance Transport Hotel Retail shops Dentists Travel Industry Catering Industry Construction Manufacturing Baking Primary Natural Resources Fishing Mining Oil Extraction
Slide 6 Industry sectors.Which are which? IndustryPrimarySecondaryTertiary Clothes shop Diamond extraction mining Fishing Printing T-Shirts Banking Petrol sales Oil extraction Copper mining Wedding ring making Jewellery shop Restaurant Sheet metal rolling
Slide 7 Industry sectors.. IndustryPrimarySecondaryTertiary Clothes shop Diamond extraction mining Fishing Printing T-Shirts Banking Petrol sales Oil extraction Copper mining Wedding ring making Jewellery shop Restaurant Sheet metal rolling
Slide 8 Primary, Secondary, Tertiary by country In DEVELOPING countries Primary industries make up a large part of industry where manufacturing is just being established. Many African, Far East and some South American countries fall into this category India and China are currently making HUGE LEAPS in Secondary and Tertiary industries
Slide 9 IndustryChinaIndia Call Centres Computer Production iPod Production Car manufacturing (MG/Rover) Consulting ICT outsourcing New Airlines Primary, Secondary, Tertiary India & China
Slide 10 Primary, Secondary, Tertiary in the UK Primary industry has generally declined over the years; e.g. Coal extraction, agriculture. Oil extraction is still strong Secondary industry is also in decline; e.g. Car making, ship building, aircraft manufacture Tertiary industry is growing; e.g. Banking, Consultancy, Restaurants In the UK over 60% of all workers are now employed in the tertiary sector of industry
Slide 11 Class work…Chain of production Draw and label a chain of production for the sale of a woollen hat. Start with the primary industry and finish with the tertiary industries. You must say what actvity falls in which sector! Anderton Unit 4, pg 15