Baby’s First Year Lauren Bower, April LaBoy, Mandy Smith
Feeding Breast Pump-$90 Formula- $1000 Bottles-$55 Baby food-$500-$1000 Baby utensils-$20 Burp Cloths-$48 Bibs-$20 Bottle Brushes-$20 Feeding pillow(boppy)-$25
Clothes Onesies bibs Snow suit mittens (first couple months) Dress up outfit Hat Socks and booties summer outfits $3,000-$4000
Furniture Convertible Crib- $179 Dresser-$250 Rocking Chair-$150
Travel Diaper Bag -$25 Stroller/Car Seat-$200
Medical/ Health Doctors Appointments Average paid is about $70 Average cost is about $105 ●figuring about 16 doctor appointments from conception through the first year Baby Medications $128 Vaporizer/Humidifier-$30 Diaper Rash Cream -$339 Bulb Syringe $4 Baby Nail Clippers- $6 Digital Thermometer-$25 Baby Bath Tub-$20 Baby Soap-$156 Baby Lotion-$105
Supplies diapers- $800-$1000 wipes $312 pacifiers $70 baby monitors $27 teethers $25
Other Bouncy seat-$90 Hamper-$25 Swing-$65 Diaper Trash can- $25 Safety gates-$32 outlet covers- $7 HighChair-$140 Toys $1,000
Crib Baby Mattress-$35 Crib bedding/sheets -$210 crib bumper- $25 Mobile-$25 a crib bumper-$60 Swaddle blanket-$25
Day Care-Lost wages For about 10 months it would cost about $8,800 dollars. During the mothers 2 month work leave they will lose about $8,000
Total During the first year, from conception through the first birthday, a baby cost about $12,000.