Shark attacks By Lily Viola and Diana
Parts of sharks How many fins does a shark have? Tail fin Dorsal fin Anal fin Pectoral fins 640 × Pelvic fin, t
Vocab Cartilage- cartilage is a strong rubbery gill, this helps the organ that helps it breathe Stream lined- shaped to move more quickly through the water Plankton- the mix of tiny animals and plants that drift in the ocean Predator- an animal that hunts other animals for food
Food Sharks eat crabs, fish, squid, and seals. Sharks control fish populations through fear. Fish near sharks are stressed and have problems with reproduction and migration. Some sharks swallow anything that gets in their way. They even eat garbage. People have found clocks, jewelry and tin cans inside sharks. Other sharks prefer mainly plankton and small fish. Plankton is the mix of tiny animals and plants found in ocean water. Other sharks eat crabs and sea animals with shells.
Teeth Did you know that a young shark may grow a new set of teeth every week. A shark may use 29,000 teeth in a lifetime. A shark tooth is one of the numerous teeth of a shark A bull shark has 50 rows of teeth. Compare that to us they have 48 more. Shark teeth are embedded in the gums rather than a directly affixed in the jaw. Shark teeth are popular and often inexpensive beach souvenirs. Sharks shed their teeth constantly ; an occurrence from which humans benefit..
Energy An average shark can go up up to 40 miles per hour. Research has shown that sharks are not lazy swimmers as previously thought but power themselves through the ocean with their tails. Great white sharks can jump 8 to 10 feet or 2 ½ to three meters high.
Habitat and Range Some sharks live in shallow water. Some sharks live in medium deep water. And some sharks are deep-dwellers. They live in very deep water. Sharks live in every ocean except the Arctic Ocean. The Arctic is too cold for sharks. Some sharks also live in freshwater lakes and rivers.
Size The whale shark is 46 feet long. The Basking shark is 33 feet long. The great white is 23 feet long. The nurse shark is 13 feet long. The Mako shark is 8 feet long. The blacktip reef shark is 3.4 feet long. The dwarf lantern shark is 6 inches long.
Shark attacks in America
Types of sharks Atlantic sharp nose, Porbeagle shark, Sand tiger shark, Basking shark, Tiger shark, Spinney dogfish shark, Dwarf lantern shark, Bonnethead shark Blue shark, Thresher shark, Whale shark, Chain cat shark, Mltsukurina owstoni shark, Frilled shark Great hammerhead shark Great white shark Lemon shark. There are 350 different kind of sharks in the world.
Top sharks 1. Great white sharks, 8 Sand tiger shark 2. Bull shark,9. Blacktip shark 3. Tiger shark, 10. Grey reef shark 4. Ocean white tip shark 5. Hammer head shark 6. Blue shark 7.Short fin mako shark
Credits Shark week online Deadly sharks you can find this book at the library. Brain pop Sharks you can find this in the library. Google
Questions 1. How many fins does a shark have? 2. All the sharks live in all the ocean except for … 3. How many different sharks are there in the world? 4.How many teeth does a shark use in it’s life time? 5.Name the five top sharks. Bonus, how many shark attacks were in 2001 and how many were fatal?
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