Melissa Mehinovic Integrated Curriculum FHS 2645
Standard 2 Gain an understanding of space, study earth materials, celestial movement, and weather.
Looking at the night sky you can see stars and the moon. This is only a small part of space Our planet is a lump of rock in space Earth is one of a group of 8 planets in our solar system All of the 8 planets orbit the sun
The sun is a star. It looks bigger than other stars because it is closer to Earth than the others. Earth has daytime when that side of the planet is facing the sun. Earth has nighttime when that part of the Earth is facing away from the sun.
The Sun was formed from thick gas and dust clouds. The Sun’s surface is so hot it boils and bubbles The heat from the sun warms the Earth If our planet were closer to the sun it would be too hot for us to live on. If it were farther away from the Sun, it would be too cold for us to live.
Post pictures of all 8 planets, the Sun, and the Moon in the classroom. Students will draw a picture of either the Sun, Moon, or one of the 8 planets They will write the name of what they drew Write why it is their favorite.
Read, Sun Moon and Stars to the class and discuss new words. Create Earth with Sun and clouds, Earth with moon and stars (day or night) or create the lunar cycle. Materials-paper plates, pencil, frosting, Oreo cookies, marshmallow, and blue and white sprinkles. Picture of the Lunar cycle.
Jacob Sun Jamie Mercury John Earth Susan Jupiter Mark Uranus
Objective 2 Describe the purpose of the map and the Globe
Maps are very useful. Today we have GPS and online maps
A globe can show you the different continents and countries but is hard to use for directions. A Globe Shows: the Earth is round Tilts on an axis Has an equator And shows you what it looks like from space
Use Allow students to take a virtual tour of their chosen social studies destination. Bosnia
Standard 2Weather Weather words Hot Windy Rainy Snowy Stormy Thunder Lightning Clouds Cold Water Sunny Water cycle Humidity Cold front Hurricane Tornado
4 Main Cloud Types Cumulus - all piled up on top of each other White and puffy- unlikely to rain Gray-might rain soon Stratus - usually when its been cold outside and then warm, wet air blows through. If you see them, get inside. Its going to rain Cirrus - Thin and wispy, look pulled apart. High in sky Formed by ice crystals, not water Usually means it will be a nice day Nimbus -means rain or snow is already falling from it Get out of water and indoors Thunder & lighting storm
Carr, K. (2014). Clouds, Weather for kids. Retrieved from kidipede: eather/clouds.htm Turnbull, S. (2007). Sun, Moon and Stars. Saffron Hill, London: Usborne. Utah Core Standards. (2015, March 20). Retrieved from United Education Network: