Here’s why the Chamber should be… IN VOLVED
Overview Problem Research Campaign Plan, Goals, and Objectives Strategy and Tactics Timetable and Budget Evaluation Pitch
Problem Goals Chamber members see less value in their membership Members feel less connected Chamber must improve its position among other local chambers To implement a social media campaign incorporating the Chamber’s Carolina Corridor brand Improve networking and professional business practices What the Chamber is seeking…
Research Questions 1. What forms of social media do you use on a regular basis? 2. Would social media enhance Chamber-to-member communication as well as member-to-member communication? 3. Do members feel connected with the Chamber? 4. Are members actively involved with the Chamber? 5. Do members value their Chamber membership? 6. Do members use the services provided by the Chamber?
Research Methods Primary Method Quantitative survey Supplemental Methods In-depth interviews General social media research In-depth research on the Chamber SurveyMonkey
Research Findings I feel like the Chamber should be offering more benefits to its members.
Research Findings It would be beneficial to my business if I could easily communicate with other members from the Chamber.
Research Findings I visit the Chamber’s website weekly.
Research Findings Which of the following forms of social media technologies would you like to see the Chamber use to reach out to its members.
Research Findings I believe social networking sites are an effective way for businesses to connect.
Research Findings I believe my business would benefit from a Chamber social networking site.
Research Findings Based on the response to our quantitative survey, it is clear that implementing social media would add value to Chamber memberships.
Limitations & Future Research Limitations Survey design and distribution Future Research More in-depth research with larger-scale survey Better construction of questions Survey availability Qualitative and quantitative methods
Overall Plan To create an effective social media campaign that involves members and incorporates the Chamber’s current brand and ideals.
Goals To maximize ways to foster communication with its members To enable members to network with each other in a more technological and modern manner To promote and integrate social media use between the Chamber and its members To foster faster and more effective communication To provide value add to members
Objectives To engage at least 25 percent of the Chamber membership base in social media tactics To enhance communication among members through social media tactics To boost Chamber standing among competing Chambers To increase the Chamber’s overall membership
Strategies Enhance communication Better utilize social media Engage members for network and business purposes Create an effective and professional launch for social media Educate members
Tactics Four Phases 1. Public Relations 2. Media Traditional and Non-Traditional 3. Rewards 4. Social Media
Tactics: Public Relations Phase Promotion of Chamber and “Are You In?” Campaign Kick-off event Themed information sessions Business before and after hours
Traditional Non-Traditional Teaser advertisements Online advertisement Press release Public Service Announcement Fact Sheet “Are You In?” events Stickers and Bumper Stickers Monthly information sessions Buzz/word of mouth Tactics: Media Phase
Stickers and Bumper Stickers
Tactics: Rewards Phase Member connection contests Incentives Networking Tangible Prizes Portfolio/Laptop bag Mouse Pad
Portfolio/Laptop bag Mouse pad Rewards
Tactics: Social Media Phase Members Only Page Discussion Board How-To YouTube video LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Word Press blog Events Calendar Personal Business profiles and list of all Chamber members
Members Only Page
Discussion Board Examples of Topics What is your business doing to stay afloat during the country’s economic downturn? How have you incorporated social media into your business efforts?
LinkedIn: Chamber Group
LinkedIn: Campaign Group
Facebook: Chamber Group
Facebook: Campaign Group
WordPress Blog
Budget: Traditional Media Teaser Advertisements: Rates provided by the Burlington-Times News: Sundays: $ x 7 weeks = $1, Mondays: $ x 7 weeks = $1, Online Advertisements: $0 Press Release: $0 Public Service Announcements: $0 Fact Sheet: $0
Budget: Non-Traditional Media “Are You In?” Events: 3 events x $250 per event = $750 Stickers/Bumper Stickers: 800 Oval Bumper Stickers at $80.99 per package of 50 = $1, Member-Only Information Sessions: $0 BUZZ: $0
Budget: Rewards Computer Bags: 25 bags at $26.23 = $ Mouse Pads: 200 at $3.78 each = $756
Budget: Social Media Members Only Page Including Discussion Board and Member-to-Member Calendar: $5,000
Budget: Members Only Page Offerings Blogging: $0 Facebook: $0 LinkedIn: $0 Twitter: $0 YouTube: $0
Total Budget Estimated Budget Total $11,379.39
Timetable September 14, 2009: Kick-off event Four themed Members-Only information sessions Two Business After-Hours Events Media pitching and release schedule February 15, 2010: Six-month evaluation
Evaluation Criteria Determine whether at least 25 percent of membership base is involved in social media tactics provided by the Chamber Engage Educate Inform
Evaluation Methods Website hits Media monitoring and clippings Headcounts and distribution quantities Individualized evaluation