Read to Achieve Portfolio for Third Grade Students School Year
Goals for this session: Share the state-wide purpose for the Third Grade Portfolio Process Inform educators of the 3 Components of the Third Grade Portfolio Provide information and guidelines for the implementation of the Third Grade Portfolio Process Identify ways to support third grade teachers with this new process Read to Achieve Third Grade Portfolio Process
Opportunity for students to show proficiency other than just the one-day End-of-Grade Reading test Provides formative assessment information to teachers Equitable and uniform process across the state Purpose for Third Grade Portfolio Process
According to the N.C. Read to Achieve State Law, for a student to be accepted as meeting the N.C. Third Grade Reading Portfolio option for demonstrating mastery of required reading skills, the individual student portfolio must contain three essential components. N.C. Read to Achieve Law
Component 1: Evidence of benchmarking and progress monitoring with mClass Reading 3D. Teachers should print summary pages and include in individual student portfolio. Component 2: Evidence of Personal Education Plan, if applicable. All updates, reviews and changes to the PEP must be documented and kept in the individual student portfolio. Three Components of N.C. Third Grade Reading Portfolio
Component 3: Successful completion of 36 Reading Passages. All attempted passages must be contained in the portfolio. Before students read the passage, the teacher may discuss the multiple choice format, and explain how the students are to respond. Teacher may answer questions about the directions, but may not read the passages or explain meaning of words in the passage. Students are not allowed to use dictionaries or other aids to assists in defining words. (English Language Learners may use an English-to-heritage language dictionary) Three Components of Third Grade Portfolio
Evidence of benchmarking and progress monitoring from mClass Reading 3D Hard copies of student summary pages Administration of mClass Reading 3D is a requirement under the Read to Achieve Law Not to be used as sole source for instructional decisions Component 1: mClassResults
Hard copy of PEP, if applicable Students at risk of academic failure Applies to students in Grades K-12 Doesn’t apply if students are on or above grade level in reading Component 2: PEP
Begins in January of third grade Secured passages with 5 questions Based on 12 reading standards 10 passages for each standard; 1 will be used for instructional purposes; 3 will be saved for summer school thus MCS will use 6 passages from Jan - May Student shows proficiency by demonstrating mastery on 3 passages for each standard; once proficient, student does not need to be assessed on remaining passages for the proficient standard 4 0ut 0f 5 questions correct = mastery of passage (See Implementation Guide Appendix B for complete list of Guidelines and Appendix C for the Reading Standards) Component 3: 36 Passages
Read to Achieve Components’ Review With your Shoulder Partner, review the elements of the 3 Components of the Third Grade Portfolio
Students Participating in Portfolio Process Developed for all MCS students in third grade that are taught with the NCSCoS DPI recommends that ELL and retained students being taught with the NCSCoS have a portfolio even though they may qualify for a Good Cause Exemption. (Implementation Guide, p. 5)
Students Qualifying for a Good Cause Exemption Students with disabilities who have an IEP, are receiving instruction in the Extended Content Standards, and participate in an alternative assessment (i.e. NCExtend1) English Language Learners who have participated in English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction for less than two years by the end of their third grade year Students who have been retained more than once before third grade (Refer to Implementation Guide, Appendix A, Good Cause Exemptions, p. 9)
Student Accommodations in Portfolio Process Documentation of accommodations within student plans IEP, 504, ELL No Read Alouds can be administered ( Refer to Approved Accommodations for the Grade 3 Student Reading Portfolio Chart on page 5 in Implementation Guide )
Portfolio Guidelines for Teachers Teachers must print copies of passages Only 3 Read to Achieve passages can be administered per week (Jan-May) Read to Achieve Passages must be administered according to the MCS standards’ timeline Read to Achieve Passages must be a cold read One Instructional Passage per standard Students complete passages independently Untimed Can’t be sent home for homework
Read to Achieve Passages Lexile Levels
Proper Use of Reading Passages Must match timeline of instruction on standards being taught according to the MCS Pacing Guides Based on student needs 1 passage per standard per week can be used as an instructional passage with all students during whole group instruction (see handout – “Read to Achieve Assessment Timeline and Instructional Passages”) Reading passages can be completed by students as a literacy assignment or during intervention time Passages can only be attempted ONCE
Read to Achieve Standard Assessment Timeline and Instructional Passages
Instructional Strategies to Help Students be Successful with the Read to Achieve Passages Use question stems in all aspects of teaching the standard - giving students a level of comfort and familiarity with the types of questions asked will enable them to gain a better understanding of expectations. Always reference the passage to find evidence of the answer - a vast majority of the questions used to assess the portfolio standards are text dependent. Read the questions first - provides students with knowledge of what to look for as they read the passage. Practice stamina needed to read long passages - remind students not to be discouraged by the length of the passage. Replace unfamiliar proper nouns (names, places, etc) with words the student knows - vital tip for all students that will enable them to spend less time decoding unknown words. Limit opportunities where students rely on pictures when practicing the use of context clues to0 determine word and phrase meaning - passages used to assess this skill do not include beneficial pictures. Discuss the relationship between specific paragraphs within reading selections across all content areas - supports the understanding of story structure, story sequence, cause and effect, author’s purpose, main idea, supporting details and enables students to practice reading strategies across content areas.
Scoring Student Portfolio Student’s primary teacher scores passage Passages may be scored in the classroom Answer keys provided to primary teacher and designated second scorer (Answer Keys are in each standard’s folder in Read to Achieve Toolkit) All attempts are scored, dated and recorded on Score Summary Sheet (student score sheets are in Read to Achieve Tool Kit) All hard copies of attempts stored in student portfolio Passages and Student Portfolios are kept in secure, limited access location
Scoring and Securing Scores MCS will provide portfolio folders for each student and a 31 Pocket File Folder for each third grade teacher to use to secure portfolios Scoring Summary Sheets will be placed in the inside of the student portfolio (refer to Implementation Guide, p. 13 Appendix D) Electronic Scoring Excel Spreadsheet is optional for teachers (refer to Live Binder)
End- of- Year Portfolio Process Teacher stops administering passages and documents evidence for completed student portfolio (May 2, 2014) The promotion recommendation form for the student portfolio must be signed by primary teacher, the second reader (certified, instructional staff) verifying student responses and the principal that verifies reading portfolio is an accurate assessment of the required reading skills. (refer to Implementation Guide, p. 14, Appendix E )
End- of- Year Portfolio Process The Portfolio Promotion Roster form for the student portfolio must be signed by the principal and superintendent (refer to Implementation Guide, p. 15, Appendix F ) Completed student portfolios will be placed in cum folders.
End- of- Year Portfolio Process Last 10 days of schools students take EOG tests, retakes EOG test or Read to Achieve Test (only students that do not qualify for Good Cause Exemption) After administration of EOG tests, the documentation of Good Cause Exemptions based on ESL instruction, students on Extended Content Standards, completed portfolios and previous retentions occurs Principal sends school list to superintendent to approve Good Cause Exemptions Summer Reading Camps begin for students who have not shown proficiency on standards. Incomplete portfolios can be continued in Summer Reading Camps (Mid June- Late June) Further instruction about the administration of the portfolio during summer reading camp will be shared in Spring 2014.
Portfolio Process Can be completed by end of school year Incomplete portfolios can be continued in Summer Reading Camps Incomplete portfolios can be completed and used to show proficiency for mid- year promotion
Summer Reading Camps Summer Reading Camps shall be 6-8 weeks long, 4-5 days per week and include at least 3 hours of instructional time per day Consecutive weeks are not required in the law Use Reading 3D data and other data points to identify students for Summer Reading Camps before the EOG is administered
January 15, Third Grade Teachers, Instructional Coaches and Assistant Principals attend Portfolio training. February 4, Anne Evans supports third grade teachers with Portfolio Process Portfolio Support for Third Grade Teachers
Parent Letter will be sent home on January 17, 2014 Reading Portfolio Presentation on website Parent Meetings Portfolio Support for Parents
Grade 3 Portfolio Implementation Guide Read to Achieve Tool Box Read to Achieve Lexile Level of Passages Read To Achieve Standard Assessment Timeline and Instructional Passages Read to Achieve Summer Passages for Reading Summer Camp DPI Live Binder: Portfolio Resources
List ways in which we can support third grade teachers with the Portfolio Process Portfolio Support for Teachers