PL/SQL Bulk Collections in Oracle 9i and 10g Kent Crotty Burleson Consulting October 13, 2006
AGENDA Performance gains with Bulk Processing Array processing with BULK COLLECT and FORALL Oracle 10g FORALL improvements. Error handling.
Top Books on PL/SQL Dr. Tim Hall Oracle ACE And Oracle’s ACE of the Year John Garmany A fantastic beginner book on PL/SQL
Bulk Processing Supercharge your PL/SQL code with BULK COLLECT and FORALL Working at a table-level instead of the row-level Simple and easy to use
PL/SQL Code Consists of two types of statements Procedural (declare, begin, if, while, for …) SQL (select, insert, update, delete) Oracle has two engines to process that information PL/SQL Engine SQL Engine A Content Switch occurs each time the PL/SQL engine needs to execute a SQL statement Switches are fast but large loops can cause performance delays
Context Switches Session PL/SQL Block PL/SQL Block PL/SQL Engine Oracle Server SQL Engine Procedural Statement Executor SQL Statement Executor DataSQL PL/SQL Block
PL/SQL Code Consider this procedure code CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE update_price ( product_type_in IN product.product_type%TYPE, multiplier_in IN number(2,2) ) IS CURSOR products_cur IS SELECT product_id, product_price FROM products WHERE product_type = product_type_in; BEGIN FOR prod_rec IN products_cur LOOP UPDATE products SET product_price = product_price * multiplier_in WHERE product_id = prod_rec.product_id; END LOOP; END update_price;
PL/SQL Code For each iteration of this loop, there is going to be a conventional bind and a context switch! Overhead for these statements can be large But there is a solution – Bulk Collections FOR prod_rec IN products_cur LOOP UPDATE products SET product_price = product_price * multiplier_in WHERE product_id = prod_rec.product_id; END LOOP;
Bulk Collection Categories SELECT or FETCH statements BULK COLLECT INTO Out-Bind binding RETURNING clause In-Bind binding FORALL – INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
SELECT / FETCH statements Data may be Bulk Collected/Fetched into: Table.column%TYPE Record of arrays Table%ROWTYPE Cursor%ROWTYPE Array of records Nested tables
Products Table SQL> create table products ( 2 product_id number, 3 product_name varchar2(15), 4 effective_date date ); Table created. SQL> begin -- inserting records into the products table 1 for i in loop 2 insert into products values (i, 'PROD'||to_char(i),sysdate-1); 3 end loop; 4 end; 5 / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> commit; Commit complete.
BULK COLLECT clause Used in a SELECT statement Used in a SELECT statement Binds the result set of the query to a collection Binds the result set of the query to a collection Much less communication between the PL/SQL and SQL engines Much less communication between the PL/SQL and SQL engines All variables in the INTO clause must be a collection All variables in the INTO clause must be a collection
BULK COLLECT SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE TYPE prod_tab IS TABLE OF products%ROWTYPE; products_tab prod_tab := prod_tab(); start_timenumber; end_time number; BEGIN start_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time; FOR prod_rec in (SELECT * FROM products WHERE effective_date BETWEEN sysdate - 2 AND TRUNC(sysdate)) LOOP products_tab.extend; products_tab(products_tab.last) := prod_rec; END LOOP; end_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(‘Conventional (‘||products_tab.count||’): ’||to_char(end_time-start_time)); Start_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time; SELECT * BULK COLLECT INTO products_tab FROM products WHERE effective_date BETWEEN sysdate - 2 AND TRUNC(sysdate); end_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(‘Bulk Collect (‘||products_tab.count||’): ’||to_char(end_time-start_time)); END;
BULK COLLECT SQL> / Conventional (100000): 40 Bulk Collect (100000): 27 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Bulk Collect is quite a bit faster!
BULK COLLECT – Explicit Cursor- Fetch DECLARE TYPE prod_tab IS TABLE OF products%ROWTYPE; products_tab prod_tab := prod_tab(); start_timenumber; end_time number; CURSOR products_data IS SELECT * FROM products; BEGIN start_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time; OPEN products_data; LOOP products_tab.extend; FETCH products_data INTO products_tab(products_tab.last); IF products_data%NOTFOUND THEN products_tab.delete(products_tab.last); EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; CLOSE products_data; end_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(‘Conventional (‘||products_tab.count||’): ’||to_char(end_time-start_time)); Start_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time; OPEN products_data; FETCH products_data BULK COLLECT INTO products_tab; CLOSE products_data; end_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(‘Bulk Collect (‘||products_tab.count||’): ’||to_char(end_time-start_time)); END;
BULK COLLECT SQL> / Conventional (100000): 117 Bulk Collect (100000): 14 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Bulk Collect is significantly faster – over 8 times!
BULK COLLECT - LIMIT Collections are arrays held in memory – massive collections can eat up all the memory By using the LIMIT clause, we can now process the result set in chunks Explicit cursors must be used with the LIMIT clause
BULK COLLECT – Explicit Cursor- LIMIT DECLARE TYPE prod_tab IS TABLE OF products%ROWTYPE; products_tab prod_tab := prod_tab(); start_time number; end_time number; CURSOR products_data IS SELECT * FROM products; BEGIN Start_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time; OPEN products_data; LOOP FETCH products_data BULK COLLECT INTO products_tab LIMIT 10000; EXIT WHEN products_data%NOTFOUND; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Processed '||to_char(products_tab.count)||' rows'); END LOOP; CLOSE products_data; end_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Bulk Collect: ‘||to_char(end_time-start_time)); end; Result Set is limited to only rows – more memory efficient! Will the processing be slower because of the LIMIT?
BULK COLLECT – Explicit Cursor- LIMIT SQL> / Processed rows Bulk Collect: 15 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Yes, but only slightly. Still over 8 times better than conventional!
BULK COLLECT - RETURNING The RETURNING clause can be used to return specific columns after a DML statement This is referred to as OUT-BINDING DECLARE TYPE prod_tab IS TABLE OF products.product_id%TYPE; products_tab prod_tab := prod_tab(); BEGIN DELETE FROM products WHERE product_id > RETURNING product_id BULK COLLECT INTO products_tab; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Deleted Product Ids: '|| products_tab.count||' rows'); end; SQL> / Deleted Product Ids: rows PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
BULK COLLECT Use Considerations Use the LIMIT clause to manage memory requirements NO_DATA_FOUND will not be raised if no records are returned – check contents to make sure records are retrieved
BULK COLLECT - FORALL We have seen BULK COLLECT with the SELECT statements For the INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements there is the FORALL statement This is referred to as IN-BINDING
BULK COLLECT – INSERT - FORALL DECLARE TYPE prod_tab IS TABLE OF products%ROWTYPE; products_tab prod_tab := prod_tab(); start_time number; end_time number; BEGIN -- Populate a collection rows SELECT * BULK COLLECT INTO products_tab FROM products; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'TRUNCATE TABLE products'; Start_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time; FOR i in products_tab.first.. products_tab.last LOOP INSERT INTO products (product_id, product_name, effective_date) VALUES (products_tab(i).product_id, products_tab(i).product_name, products_tab(i).effective_date); END LOOP; end_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(‘Conventional Insert: ’||to_char(end_time-start_time)); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'TRUNCATE TABLE products'; Start_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time; FORALL i in products_tab.first.. products_tab.last INSERT INTO products VALUES products_tab(i); end_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(‘Bulk Insert: ’||to_char(end_time-start_time)); COMMIT; END;
BULK COLLECT – INSERT - FORALL SQL> / Conventional Insert: 686 Bulk Insert: 22 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. The Bulk Operation is considerably faster!
BULK COLLECT – UPDATE - FORALL DECLARE TYPE prod_id_tab is TABLE OF products.product_id%TYPE; TYPE prod_tab IS TABLE OF products%ROWTYPE; products_id_tab prod_id_tab := prod_id_tab(); products_tab prod_tab := prod_tab(); start_time number; end_time number; BEGIN -- Populate a collection rows FOR i in LOOP products_id_tab.extend; products_id_tab(products_id_tab.last) := i+10; products_tab.extend; products_tab(products_tab.last).product_id := i; END LOOP; Start_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time; FOR i in products_tab.first.. products_tab.last LOOP UPDATE products SET ROW = products_tab(i) -- ROW available in 9.2 WHERE product_id = products_tab(i).product_id; END LOOP; end_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Conventional Update: '||to_char(end_time-start_time)); Start_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time; FORALL i in products_tab.first.. products_tab.last UPDATE products SET ROW = products_tab(i) – ROW available in 9.2 WHERE product_id = products_id_tab(i); end_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Bulk Update: '||to_char(end_time-start_time)); END;
BULK COLLECT – UPDATE - FORALL SQL> / Conventional Update: 301 Bulk Update: 116 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. The Bulk Operation is again considerably faster!
FORALL Use Only a single DML statement is allowed per FORALL In 9i, the binding array must be sequentially filled Use SAVE EXCEPTIONS to continue past errors SQL%BULK_ROWCOUNT returns the number of affected rows
The Finer Points Use bulk bind techniques for recurring SQL statements in a PL/SQL loop. Bulk bind rules: Can be used with any type of collection Collection subscripts cannot be expressions Collections should be densely filled If error, statement is rolled back. Prior successful DML statements are not rolled back. Bulk Collects Can be used with implicit or explicit cursors Collection is always filled sequentially starting with 1
New in 10g – FORALL Improvements FORALL driving array no longer needs to be processed in sequential order The INDICES OF clause is used to reference the row numbers defined in another array The VALUES OF clause is used to reference the values defined in another array
New in 10g – FORALL - INDICES DECLARE TYPE prod_id_tab is TABLE OF BOOLEAN INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER; TYPE prod_tab IS TABLE OF products%ROWTYPE; products_id_tab prod_id_tab := prod_id_tab(); products_tab prod_tab := prod_tab(); BEGIN products_tab(10).effective_date := sysdate; products_tab(100).effective_date := sysdate + 10; products_tab(1000).effective_date := sysdate + 100; products_id_tab(10) := TRUE; products_id_tab(100) := TRUE; products_id_tab(1000) := TRUE; FORALL i IN INDICES OF products_id_tab UPDATE products SET ROW = products_tab(i) WHERE product_id = products_id_tab(i); END;
New in 10g – FORALL - VALUES DECLARE TYPE prod_id_tab is TABLE OF BOOLEAN INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER; TYPE prod_tab IS TABLE OF products%ROWTYPE; products_id_tab prod_id_tab := prod_id_tab(); products_tab prod_tab := prod_tab(); BEGIN products_tab(10).effective_date := sysdate; products_tab(100).effective_date := sysdate + 10; products_tab(1000).effective_date := sysdate + 100; products_id_tab(100) := 10; products_id_tab(200) := 100; products_id_tab(300) := 1000; FORALL i IN VALUES OF products_id_tab UPDATE products SET ROW = products_tab(i) WHERE product_id = products_id_tab(i); END;
FORALL – Error Handling No more FULL rollback in case of an EXCEPTION SAVE EXCEPTIONS clause SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS – Collection of records SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS(i).ERROR_INDEX – stores iteration “i” when exception is raised SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS(i).ERROR_CODE – stores the Oracle error code SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS.count – returns the count of the exceptions
Context Switches – Conventional Binds Session PL/SQL Block PL/SQL Block PL/SQL Engine Oracle Server SQL Engine Procedural Statement Executor SQL Statement Executor DataSQL PL/SQL Block
Context Switches – Bulk Binds Session PL/SQL Block PL/SQL Block PL/SQL Engine Oracle Server SQL Engine Procedural Statement Executor SQL Statement Executor DataSQL PL/SQL Block