NESA's 2013 Winter Training Institute Susan Goekler, MCHES
Aims of the Healthy Schools Initiative (of the WHO’s Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean) Improve, if needed, school facilities and environmental services. Educate children on health, environment and quality of life through learning and practical activities. Make schools a forum for health, environment and quality of life.
Objectives of Healthy Schools Initiative 1. Strengthen/establish a systematic school health programme in each school. 2. Improve school facilities and environmental services, if needed. 3. Educate students on health and the environment. 4. Involve the parents and community members in schools.
What is a Health Promoting School? “One that constantly strengthens its capacity as a healthy setting for living, learning, and working.” (World Health Organization)
A health promoting school: Fosters health and learning Encourages members of the school community in efforts to make the school a healthy place Strives to provide a healthy environment, health education, and health services; projects and outreach in the community; staff wellness; nutrition and food safety; physical activity opportunities; and mental and social health supports Implements supportive policies and practices
HP schools are part of communities They strive to improve the health of school personnel, families, and community members as well as pupils. They work with community leaders to help them understand how the community contributes to, or undermines, health and education.
HP Schools focus on: Caring for oneself and others Making healthy decisions and taking control over life’s circumstances Creating conditions that are conducive to health Building capacities for peace, shelter, education, food, income, a stable ecosystem, equity, social justice, sustainable development Preventing leading causes of death, disease, and disability Influencing health-related behaviors
Implementing HP Schools (CDC) Secure and maintain administrative support Establish school teams and school/community advisory council Identify a coordinator Develop a plan Implement multiple strategies through multiple components Focus on students Address priority health-enhancing and health-risk behaviors Provide professional development for staff
Aligning Health & Education (ASCD) The principal as leader Active and engaged leadership Distributive leadership Integration with the school improvement plan Effective use of data for continuous school improvement Ongoing and embedded professional development Authentic & mutually beneficial community collaborations Stakeholder support of local efforts Creation or modification of school policy