Warm-up: Round the following decimals to the specified place value. Nearest tenth 1.) ) ) Nearest hundredth 4.) ) ) 2.6
November 10, 2011 Unit 4 – Decimal Operations & Percents Objective: Students will Estimate Decimal Products and Quotients
To estimate products or quotients, we will use rounding. Examples: 1.) Estimate 38.9 x 11 2.) Estimate ÷ 21 3.) Would an answer of 12.3 be a reasonable answer for #2?
Objective: Students will Estimate Decimal Products and Quotients Skill Practice: Skill Practice: 1.) Estimate x 48 2.) Estimate ÷ 9 3.) Use estimation to check that the calculation 29 x = 4,402.2 is reasonable. 4.) Use estimation to check that the calculation ÷ 8 = is reasonable.
Application: Eric worked quickly through his unit test and wrote down as the answer to his last problem which was x 6. Estimate (mentally) to see if you think that his answer is reasonable. Be prepared to explain your decision.
Extensions: Animated Classzone Animated Classzone ( Chapter 4: Decimal Product/Quotient Estimation) Whole Number Estimation Practice Whole Number Estimation Practice Brainpop on Estimating (Concept) Brainpop on Estimating (Concept)
Homework: Estimating Products & Quotients Worksheet