5FWD Display Ad Specs fwd.channel5.com
Channel5.com Display ads summary Ad-formats not currently available - Overlays - Pushdown Superheader - Firefly formats - Targetting by Tag 2Contents 3Creative Specifications 4Fwd – Leaderboard & MPU 5Fwd – Megabanner 6Fwd – Expandable Leaderboard 7Fwd – Expandable MPU 8Fwd – Reskin 9Fwd – Inskin 10ClickTag for Flash 11Contact us
Creative specifications Maximum file size 40KB jpeg, gif, swf files accepted Rich media, third-party tags accepted Backup gif to be supplied when supplying.swf files Audio must be user initiated Maximum of three loops (30 seconds) Expandable creative We accept expandable leaderboards, MPUs and skyscrapers – please get in touch with the sales team to discuss exact requirements All expansion must be user initiated with visible close button, or auto close after a few seconds. Sound must be user initiated, with default is set to ‘off’ These ads are subject to Five’s approval and could be charged at a premium Creative is required ten working days before campaign start date. All creatives are subject to Channel 5 approval. Please refer to Channel 5’s standard terms and conditions for advertising. Important note: All advertising submitted to Channel 5 must comply with the CAP Code: Codes/CAP-Code.aspx Codes/CAP-Code.aspx
Fwd.channel5.com Leaderboard & MPU Trafficked: OAS Formats: gif, jpg, 3 rd party, swf (with gif back-up) Max weight: 40kb
Fwd.channel5.com Megabanner Trafficked: OAS Formats: gif, jpg, 3 rd party, swf (with gif back-up) Max weight: 40kb
Fwd.channel5.com Exandable Leaderboard Trafficked: OAS Formats: 3 rd party Max weight: 40kb Note: Expandable ads cover Channel5.com when clicked or rolled over – as opposed to Pushdown SuperHeaders, which push the content down
Fwd.channel5.com Expandable MPU Trafficked: OAS Formats: 3 rd party Max weight: 40kb Note: Expandable ads cover content
Fwd.channel5.com Reskin Trafficked: OAS Formats: swf (gif back-up) Max weight: 100kb
Fwd.channel5.com Inskin Trafficked: OAS Formats: gif, jpg, flash Max weight: 100kb
ClickTAG for Flash (swf) creatives How to assign a clickTAG to flash (swf) file A clickTAG is the tracking code assigned by an agency to register when an advertisement is displayed and clicked on. The click through data is collected by the adserver enabling advertisers to determine how effective their campaign is or can be. The code below will allow an adserving network to dynamically assign a click TAG to their ad: on (release) { getURL(clickTAG, “_blank”); } The URL cannot be embedded into the ad itself. The adserver will need to set this URL when the ad is called. To do this the URL needs to be passed into the GetURL action from the query string of the Param and Embed Src. 1.Edit the fla file 2.Right click on the scene to and select movie explorer 3.In movie explorer select the object actions tab 4.Find the action, which is associated with the button (click) 5.Double-click this action to edit it. In the URL box specify ‘clickTAG’. In the window box specify “_blank” to open in a new window. Variables should be set to ‘don’t send’ and the top expression box should be checked. 2. Different variables for click-through URLs: 3.“_blank” = new window“_top” = same window (breaks out of frames) 4.“_self” = same frame/window “_parent” = parent frame (if nested in 3 levels of frames, breaks out to 2 levels)
Contact us Sales: Display and Video on Demand Ad Operations: Creative and Trafficking Emily Hill Digital Sales Manager T: E: all VoD and display creative to: Kirsty Roos Traffic and Analytics Executive T: E: Lee Martin Traffic and Analytics Executive T: E: