We are students from Nikola Vaptsarov Technical Vocational School in Radomir, Bulgaria. We devote this presentation to our school mates, teachers and parents to help them keep out of the risks, associated with using technologies.
We’ve made a survey and asked our schoolmates to be very précised in their answers.
1. How much time do you spend using the Internet? 2. What do you use Internet for? 3. Choose three main activities you do online. 4. Arrange the activities you do online according to your preferences: school work, information, communication with peers, social networking, music, games, blogging. 5. What safety measures do you provide while surfing the net?
100 students from our school have been inquired. How much time do you spend using the Internet? Less 1h1-2 h2-4 hMore 4 h 13 students51 students28 students8 students
School work63 students Information89 students Communication92 students Social networking84 students Music96 students Games85 students Blogging48 students
Communication Music and games School work and social networking
1. Communication 2. Social networking 3. Music 4.School work 5. Information 6. Games 7. Blogging
None48 students I look at the address bar 8 students I don’t talk to strangers 18 students I don’t post my friends’ pictures 12 students I keep my password 10 students
1. Always respect others while CHATTING. 2. THINK before you post. 3. Keep your PASSWORD like your EYES. 4. Test your password to see if it is strong.Test your password 5.Never give personal information and the name of your school to strangers.
Sarah and some friends went to a party. One of the girls took a lot of pictures and posted them without asking Sarah’s consent. Sarah is really embarrassed by the pictures and doesn’t want them shown. Mel promises to remove them but in the meantime they have been seen by everyone at school… What happens next?
Watch the video
Never post anything about your friends or schoolmates without their consent!
BLOCK or REPORT them !!! Most responsible websites and services allow you to block or report someone who is behaving badly.
How could we do thatHow could we do that?
SAVE THE EVIDENCE! It can be used by your school, internet service provider, mobile phone company or even the police to investigate the cyber bullying or predators.
an adult you trust, who can help you report the incident OR call a hotline like: Safer Internet Hotline 5, Alexander Zhendov Street, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria tel ext.411;141 fax:
the provider of the service ( your mobile phone operator or social network provider)
your school: your teacher or the anti-bullying coordinator at your school or
the police, if the cyber bullying is serious and a potential criminal offence has been committed
Learn more about phishing sites phishing sites
If you have questions and need a piece of advice how to use technologies safely, please write us at : Take pleasure of surfing the Net!!! INTERNET SAFETY VOLUNTEER TEAM at Nikola Vaptsarov Technical Vocational School and their teacher Mariana Kolarska