Members: Gabriela Cerdas Diego Miranda. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into a natural environment that causes disorder, or harm to the.


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Presentation transcript:

Members: Gabriela Cerdas Diego Miranda

Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into a natural environment that causes disorder, or harm to the ecosystem, physical systems or living organisms.

TYPES OF POLLUTION Air pollution: is the introduction of chemicals, matter, or biological materials that cause harm to humans, living things, and the natural environment, into the atmosphere.

Light pollution: is a straight light emitted from lighting installations for advertising, business, security and street lighting. TYPES OF POLLUTION New York City

Litter: consist of waste products such as containers, wastes and wrappers which have been disposed of without consent. TYPES OF POLLUTION Stockholm, Sweden

Noise pollution: this pollution is an unpleasant human, animal or machine- created sound that disrupts the activity or balance of human or animal life. TYPES OF POLLUTION London

Soil contamination: is caused by some chemicals or other alteration in the natural soil environment. It can deteriorate many soil functions. TYPES OF POLLUTION North America

Radioactive contamination: Are radioactive substances on surfaces, or within solids, liquids or gases were their presence is unwanted. TYPES OF POLLUTION

Thermal pollution: is the degradation of water quality by any process that changes ambient water temperature. TYPES OF POLLUTION Potrero Generating Station discharges heated water into San Francisco Bay.

TYPES OF POLLUTION Visual pollution: is an unattractive and man-made visual elements of a vista, landscape, or any other thing that a person does not feel comfortable to look at. Mexico City

TYPES OF POLLUTION Water pollution: Is the contamination of water bodies, it affects plants and organisms that live in these water bodies. China

EFFECTS OF POLLUTION Pollution is causing a lot of damage to humans, animals, plants and trees. Some effects of pollution are: 1.Reduce long functioning. 2.Irritation of eyes, nose, mouth and throat. 3.Cancer, headache and reduce energy levels. 4.Damage to the nervous system. 5.Nausea, fatigue, skin rash, etc.

The world is in a hunger crisis caused by the growth of people and there is not enough amounts of food, the poverty and the waste of water. The water is very important because we need water for almost everything. If we don’t have water we cannot harvest. Without harvesting we don’t have food and without them there are a lot of people that will not have work, and without work there is poverty. CAUSES AND EFFECTS ON THE LACK OF RESOURCES AND FOOD

There are some places where is very difficult to obtain pure water, so people use dirty water to drink, cook, wash and other things. And when they are using that water they can get sick and even die. In this world there are 925 million hungry. Every day, almost kids die from hunger- related causes. In 2008 almost 9 million kids died before reaching their fifth year. The consequences of lack of food are people dying, people sick and poverty.

During the years more people have been taking a lot of non-renewable which contaminate the environment, and in a future we can get out of those non- renewable resources. Some non- renewable are: Fossil fuels: Those are made of remains of organisms that lived a lot of time ago. It is used to produce energy. Nuclear energy: It is used to produce energy by a process of fission in the nuclear of an atom.

Because they cannot be replaced or are replaced much more slowly than they are used, the consequences in a future are that they will not be more non-renewable resources. And without some of those resources we will go to die because now poor water is like a non-renewable resource and we need water for everything. In a future we will only use contaminate water and we can get sick and die. Without water people will be dying because without water, without food. And some people will be poverty because they depend of harvests they planted.

We can used different things that contaminate less the environment, like no using a lot of thing that produce a lot of gas if you can used thing that don’t contaminate a lot the environment. Ex: using the bicycle instead a car. No using a lot of light objects or radioactive substances. Not using a lot of chemicals and trash that can affect the soil and the water. Then we can use more renewable resources instead using non-renewable resources because this ones we can replace them and they don´t contaminate a lot the environment. What can we do to decrease these problems?