By: Natalie Gordinier
What Is Deaf World? Over 30 million Deaf in USA alone A difference in experience NOT a disability Big D little d
Overview Some Important People The First Education Off to College we GO! Misconceptions
More overview Communication American Sign Language Cultural Comparison What’s happening now?
Some Important People Thomas H. Gallaudet Mason Fitch Cogswell Laurent Clerc
The First Education Gallaudet The Oral Method American Sign Language
Off to College we GO! Amos Kendal Edward Miner Gallaudet 1864, Abe Lincoln, Make it official Deaf President Now
Misconceptions Deaf = Dumb No speech in communication Deafness is a Disability You can’t sign, you can’t communicate Cochlear Implants solve everything Deafness is hereditary
Communication American Sign Language SimComming Telephone
American Sign Language… ASL Pidgin Signing Exact English
…and how it started. Thomas H. Gallaudet Abbe Roche Ambroise Sicard French to American
Cultural Comparison Pointing Bluntness Getting someone’s attention Socializing Introductions Talking with your mouth full
What’s happening now? Deaf Awareness Week Through Deaf Eyes See What I’m Saying Gallaudet University Deaf Performers
To Sum It All Up… Gallaudet, The man, The School Changing The Misconception American Sign Language Hearing Vs Deaf Culture Deaf World Today
Works Cited is is _of_the_University.html _of_the_University.html