Poetry of the 17 th Century English IV
Changes in England Small towns big cities Increase in reading Changes in science and religion Puritanism, Calvinism, Protestantism, Catholicism Civil war: England beheaded king, got rid of monarchy
Changes in England King was beheaded, Oliver Cromwell led England until his death Cromwell: violence, taxation, chaos After Cromwell’s death, Charles I’s (executed king’s) son offered the crown by Parliament Crowning of Charles II The Restoration
Agriculture and Industry Better farm equipment = more food More food = more people More people = bigger cities Industrial Age: birth of factories, better equipment, increased wealth Dangerous working conditions in factories
Literature of the 17 th Century Ben Jonson Wrote plays, stories, poems in a more modern fashion John Donne Witty, intellectual poetry (unusual) John Milton Paradise Lost: justification of suffering in the world
Literature of the 17 th Century Andrew Marvell “carpe diem” poet: writing emphasizes seizing the moment/youth Robert Herrick “carpe diem” poet: writing emphasizes seizing the moment/youth Alexander Pope Jonathan Swift Satire: political writings
Metaphysical Poetry Popularized by John Donne Characterized by intellectual displays and philosophical issues Poetic devices Conceits: extended comparisons that link objects not commonly associated Paradoxes: images that appear contradictory but reveal deeper truth (Death, thou shalt die)