Urban Land use in LEDC cities A E B C D Predict: what do you think the land use will be in each of these zones? (Think back to MEDC cities for possible options)
Task In pairs go around the room and see if you can find at least 1 photo to match up with each of the zones in a LEDC city. Also note the number of any photo you believe does not come from an LEDC city.
What caption would you give this photo?
Shanty Towns (Favelas) in Sao Paulo
Location of the shanty town area A E B C D
The Growth of Sao Paulo
Modernisation of agriculture – machinery & chemicals means fewer workers are needed on the land. They are pushed to the cities where they hope to find work. Rapid population growth – results from a high birth rate and a low death rate The decline of traditional industries such as textiles and metal working means these people move to large cities in search of work. The PULL of the city – better housing, employment, education services etc
Characteristics of the shanty town areas of Sao Paulo As you watch the following photos, write down words to describe the main features of the shanty town areas of Sao Paulo
Key characteristics of Sao Paulo shanty town areas Poor quality, illegal housing => overcrowding Polluted water supplies & poor sanitation Few services e.g. electricity Pollution Much informal employment Segregation Homelessness
Read & highlight worksheet and complete questions