University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Faculty of Hudrotechnics Speciality: Hydraulic Engineering (German language teaching course) Subject: “Water Supply Sewerage, Water and Wastewater Treatment” Lecturer: Prof. D.Sc. Eng. Roumen Arsov Sofia, February - April 2003
2 Subject: “Water Supply, Sewerage, Water and Wastewater Treatment” Teaching language: English Main Chapters: I. Water Supply Networks and Facilities II. Sewer Networks and Facilities III. Water Treatment Technologies IV. Wastewater Treatment Technologies
3 “Water Supply, Sewerage, Water and Wastewater Treatment” RECCOMMENDABLE LITERATURE: 1. Arsov, R., Lecture Notes (Power Point slides), UACEG, Sofia, Tchobanoglous, G., Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal and Reuse, Metcalf & Eddy, Inc., Mc Graw-Hill, Inc., N.Y., Walker, R., Water Supply, Treatment and Distribution, Prentice-Hill, Engl. Cliffs, Fair, G., J. Geyer and D. Ocun, Water and Wastewater Engineering, vol. I and vol. II, John Wiley, N.Y., Babbit, H., J. Doland and J. Cleasly, Water Supply Engineering, Mc Graw-Hill, N.Y., 1962
4 I. Water Supply Networks and Facilities Topic I.1. Basic Water Supply Systems and Schemes Water Supply Systems Definition: A complex of engineering works and measures aimed at catch, transportation, purification, storage and deliver of water to the consumers with necessary quantity, quality and pressure in a compliance with the best technical and economical practice. Basic elements: §Water intakes - from surface waters and groundwater §Pumping stations §External pipelines (conduits) - gravity and (pumping) pressurised §Reservoirs - collecting, service (distribution), storage, (artificial) lakes §Distribution(water supply) networks §Pipelines and distribution networks facilities - chambers, valves, fittings
5 Water Supply Systems Classifications: I. According to the objects they serve §Potable water supply - settlements, industrial enterprises §Industrial water supply - industrial processes §Fire water supply - fire fighting §Combine water supply - multipurpose use II. According to the scale §Local - separate buildings, farms, etc. §Centralised - all consumers in a settlement §Separate - one settlement with one/several sources §Group - several settlements in a network with several sources §Multipurpose - for combined water supply, electric power generation and/or irrigation
6 Water Supply Schemes General definition: A complex of the elements of the water supply system, interconnected in a definite order and according to the technological requirements and terrain topography. Additional explanations: §The water supply system include the number and the kind of the elements of the system and differ according to the way of the elements connections. §Any water supply system could be realised through different water supply schemes.
7 Water Supply Systems and Schemes Scheme of aGroup Water Supply System 1 - reservoir (lake) 2 - lake water intake 3 - water treatment plant 4, 8 - gravity pipelines 5, 6, 12 - service reservoirs 7 - distribution chamber 9 - receiving reservoir 10 - pumping station 11 - pressurised pipeline
8 Water Supply Systems and Schemes Scheme of a Multipurpose (Complex) Water Supply System 1 - dam water intake 2 - reservoir (lake) 3, 8, 10 - gravity pipeline 4 - upper reservoir 5 - pressurised gravity pipeline 6 - electric power plant 7 - downstream reservoir 9 - water treatment plant 11 - service (distribution) reservoir 12 - feeding pipeline 13 - settlement 14 - water intake for irrigation
9 Water Supply Systems III. According to the way of water transportation §Gravity §Pumping §Combine IV. According to kind of the source §From surface water §From ground water §Combined
10 Water Supply Systems and Schemes Scheme of a Gravity Water Supply System (with spring water intake) 1 - spring water intake 2 - gravity conduit 3 - service (distribution) reservoir 4 - feeding pipe (feeder) 5 - distribution network
11 Water Supply Systems and Schemes Scheme of a Pumping Water Supply System (with groundwater intake) 1 -drilled well (water intake) 2 - well head 3 - receiving reservoir 4 - pumping station 5 - pressurised pipeline 6 - service (distribution) reservoir 7 - feeding pipeline 8 - distribution network
12 Water Supply Systems and Schemes Scheme of a Pumping Water Supply System (with river water intake) 1 - water source (river) 2 - water intake (WI) 3 - pumping station (PS) Ist stage 4 - water treatment plant (WTP) 5 - reservoir (R) 6 - pumping station IInd stage 7 - pressurised pipe (conduit) 8 - service (distribution) reservoir 9 - main conduit (feeding pipeline) 10 - settlement
13 V. According to the stages of water use §Single §Recycling §Consecutive §Combine Water Supply Systems
14 Water Supply Systems and Schemes Scheme of a Recycling Water Supply System 1 - water intake 2 - pumping station for raw water 3, 6 - pressurised pipeline 4 - water treatment plant 5 - pumping station for purified water 7 - industrial enterprise 8 - conduit for recycling water 9 - pipe for potable (tape) water
15 Water Supply Systems VI. According to the water supply security §I category - 30 % water quantity reduction for 72 hours, with 95% security in respect to the mean daily flowrate; §II category - 30 % water quantity reduction for 10 days and water supply break for 6 hours, with 90 % security in respect to the mean daily flowrate; §III category - 30 % water quantity reduction for 10 days and water supply break for 6 hours, with 85 % security in respect to the mean daily flowrate;