1 Chicana/Latina Foundation Skill Building for Our Future Workshops 2009
2 AGENDA Welcome / Introductions Overview of Organization and Mission Youth Adelante Program Scholarship Application Review Writing Tips Interview Tips - if time left Questions & Answers Evaluation
3 Chicana/Latina Foundation
4 Latinos are the largest minority population in the U.S. with close to 40 million residents.
5 Latinos in Undergraduate Education Latina/o students comprised 9.6% of all undergraduate students in 2000 yet only earned 5.3% of all bachelor’s degrees. (US Department of Education 2000)
6 Latinos in California % 32.4% PROJECTED BY 2040: Latinos will be 47.8 % of the state’s population
7 Challenges Specific to Latinas Latinas represent 43% of all girls in K-12 and 50% of all girls in Kindergarten in California Represent only 9% of female undergraduates in University of California 70% are enrolled in high school classes that will not prepare them for college
8 Challenges specific to Latinas Financial limitations Lack of knowledge about educational process (going away to college, study requirements, etc.) Lack of representation at all levels of the academic and administrative educational pipeline Gender Inequality What challenges do you face?
9 Our History Despite these challenges, Latinas have historically played a major role in addressing these issues The struggles have moved from the personal problems of everyday life to the collective action
10 La Historia de CLF The Chicana Latina Foundation was founded in years of empowering the next generation! Our mission is to develop leadership skills, create educational and career advancement opportunities and promote the self- empowerment of Latinas
11 Ustedes son Importantes! You are our Future! We want you to be prepared to apply to our CLF and other scholarships Your success paves the way for other Latinas/os Your participation and volunteering in organizations like CLF ensures our existence and future Si Se Puede!