Gallium By: Tori
Physical Properties Silvery-white Metallic Melting Point: 29.76 C Boiling Point: 2204 C Semi-conductor Physical Properties
Crystalline Structure Orthorhombic Crystalline Structure
Facts such as symbol… Symbol: GA Atomic Number: 31 Atomic Weight: 69.723(1) Number of Proton/Electron: 31 Neutron: 39 Facts such as symbol…
Atomic Properties Block: p-block Period: 4 Group: 13 Electronic Configuration: [Ar]4s23d104p1 Atomic Properties
It wets glass or porcelain and forms brilliant mirrors when painted on glass. It is also used in making solid- state devices such as transistors. Uses of Gallium
Gallium arsenide can convert electricity into coherent light. Uses of Gallium
Found in Bauxite, coal, Sphalerite, Diaspore, and Germanite. Normally a byproduct of aluminum. Where Gallium is found
Chemical Properties Oxidation states: 3 Reacts and dissolves in acids and alkalis. Chemical Properties
Interesting Facts Discovered in: 1875 Gallium is from the Latin word Gallia, the old name of France. It was discovered by: Paul Emile Lecoq de Baudran http://www.youtu QaJ_Yxj9bG8 Interesting Facts