Slam is a State Estimation Problem
Predicted belief corrected belief
Bayes Filter Reminder
Standard deviation Covariance matrix
Gaussians in one and two dimensions One standard deviation two standard deviations
Gaussians in three dimensions Multivariate probability
Properties of Gaussians for Univariate case Linear system Standard deviation on output of linear system Mean on output of linear system For two-dimensional system:
Properties of Gaussians Properties of Gaussians for Multivariate case From previous slide
Properties of Gaussians Important Property of all these methods
Discrete Kalman Filters
Kalman Filter background 1.Kalman Filter is a Bayes Filter 2.Kalman Filter uses Gaussians 3.Estimator for the linear Gaussian case 4.Optimal solution for linear models and Gaussian distributions 5.Developed in late 1950’s 6.Most relevant Bayes filter variant in practice 7.Applications in econcomics, weather forecasting, satellite navigations, GPS, robotics, robot vision and many other 8.Kalman filter is just few matrix operations such as multiplication.
Discrete Kalman Filter
Components of a Kalman Filter
Example of Example of Kalman Filter Updates in one dimension Kalman Filter calculates a weighted mean value!
Kalman Filter Updates in 1D: PREDICTION Single dimension Matrices in multi-dimensions Again generalization to many dimensions here
CORRECTION Kalman Filter Updates in 1D: CORRECTION Variant single variable Generalization: Generalization: Variant of multiple variables matrix
Kalman Filter Updates
Linear Gaussian Systems
Initialization Linear Gaussian Systems: Initialization Initial belief has a normal distribution:
Dynamics Linear Gaussian Systems: Dynamics Gaussian
Linear Gaussian Systems: Dynamics From previous slide Linear, gaussian
Linear Gaussian Systems: Observations R = correction
Linear Gaussian Systems: Observations
: Marginalization and Conditioning Properties: Marginalization and Conditioning Notation for Gaussians All are Gaussian
Kalman Filter assumes linearity Zero-mean Gaussian Noise
Linear Motion Model We want to calculate this probability variable
Theorem 1
We want to calculate this probability variable
Theorem 2
the belief is Gaussian! Everything stays Gaussian: the belief is Gaussian! Probabilistic Robotics Proofs of these theorems and properties are not trivial and can be found in the book by ‘three Germans” called Probabilistic Robotics. Theorem 3
Kalman Filter Algorithm
The Kalman Filter Assumptions are: 1.Gaussian distributions 2.Gaussian noise 3.Linear motion 4.Linear observation model Discuss later
Calculates multi- dimensional mean and covariance matrix Prediction phase Correction phase R for motion Q for measurement Prediction of multi-dimensional mean Prediction of multi-dimensional covariance matrix Calculates corrected multi- dimensional mean and covariance matrix Kalman
Kalman Filter Algorithm Different notation to previous slide Measurement noise
Kalman Filter Algorithm: navigation using odometry and measurement to landmark Predicted and corrected position of the ship
The Prediction-Correction-Cycle The phase of Prediction
The Prediction-Correction-Cycle The phase of Correction
The Prediction-Correction-Cycle
The general Optimal State Estimation Problem
Diagram of general State Estimation or 3 !
Discrete Kalman Filter This is what we discussed
Linear-Optimal State Estimation Compare with this Change with time derivative
Linear-Optimal State Estimation (Kalman-Bucy Filter) Similar to before Kalman
Estimation Gain for the Kalman-Bucy Filter Same equations as those that define control gain, except – solution matrix, P, propagated forward in time – Matrices and matrix sequences are different
Second-Order Example of Kalman- Bucy Filter
Kalman-Bucy Filter with Two Measurements
State Estimate with Angle Measurement Only
Kalman Filter Summary
Non-Linear Dynamic Systems
Sources Wolfram Burgard Cyrill Stachniss, Maren Bennewitz Kal Arras