Statistical Physics Approaches to Financial Fluctuations Fengzhong Wang Advisor: H. Eugene Stanley Dec 13, 2007 Collaborators: Philipp Weber, Woo-Sung Jung, Irena Vodenska, Kazuko Yamasaki and Shlomo Havlin “Scaling and Memory of Intraday Volatility Return Intervals in Stock Markets”, Phys. Rev. E 73, (2006). “Statistical Regularities in the Return Intervals of Volatility”, Eur. Phys. J. B 55, 123 (2007).
Outline Questions: –What are financial fluctuations? –Why we study? Databases Results: –Scaling –Memory –Long-term correlations Take home message
What are financial fluctuations? Help understand markets and control risk Ex: Stock Price and Shares Traded Why study financial fluctuations?
Databases Analyzed DAILY DATA –U.S.A. Stocks, , total=10 7 records –Foreign Exchange Rates, , total=10 5 records –Crude Oil Futures, , total=10 4 records INTRADAY DATA –Trades And Quotes: , every U.S.A. transactions, total=10 9 records 30 stocks: Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), sampling interval=1 min, total=10 7 records –S&P 500 Index: , total=10 5 records, sampling interval=10 min from Yahoo Finance; from Federal Reserve; from Energy Information Administration; from New York Stock Exchange.
How to Calculate Volatility? Step 1: Compute price change |log(p(t+1)/p(t))| Step 2: Remove intraday pattern by dividing A(s) Step 3: Normalize by standard deviation
Our Approach: Return Intervals q of Volatility Step 2: Calculate all time intervals between volatilities above q q=3 q=2 Step 1: CHOOSE a threshold q
Result #1: Scaling in Return Intervals
Result #2: Universality A) w.r.t. Sampling Intervals B) w.r.t. Stock Names
How to Analyze Memory? S1 S8 Divide return intervals into 8 subsets: S1, S2, …, S8 Stock GE
Result #3: Conditional PDF
How to Measure Long-Term Correlation? Method: Detrended Fluctuation Analysis d
Result #4: Detrended Fluctuation Analysis Surprise: Return interval correlations Volatility correlations
Result #5: Universality in Correlations
Take Home Message Return intervals scale. Scaling is universal for many markets and many time scales. Return intervals show memory. Scaling and memory are related to long-term correlations in volatility.