J AN F EB M AR A PR M AY J UNE J UL A UG S EP O CT N OV D EC honey flow adequate foraging bees V Destructor control 1 st 2 nd /3 rd 4 th Prime Swarm Control New Queen Rearing Secondary Swarm Control harvest Winter Stores
Female mites 8 to 12 weeks summer lifetime, manages 2 reproductive cycles with 8 daughters in bee DRONE brood DRONE brood yields about 4.2 mite/cell compared to 2.2 mite/cell for worker brood
Hive #V destructor 24 hour count status 20 ✔ 30 ✔ 910 ✔ / ✖ marginal (near drone laying hive) 192 ✔ 2340 ✖ close to drone laying hive 241 ✔ 252 ✔ 340 ✔ 1516 ✔ Honeybee Suppliers 1523 ✔ Honeybee Suppliers 1530 ✔ Park Beekeeping
NUKES – delivery possibly Friday 12 June 2015