Can we infer compositional similarities of soil and plant samples? Wilfred, Michelle, Geoff C/N ratios δ 13 C FTIR
Plant litter * Microbes* Soil respiration Litterfall Modified from Schlesinger 1977 Fulvic AcidsHumic Acids* High N content and low Turnover (100 – 1000 yrs) years Temperature Light Humidity Loss General Plant Soil Interaction * Non cellular OM * Cellular OM
Modified from Cox et al Organic content tends to decrease with depth in soil Our samples do not have a lot of organic matter May be similar to savannas than temperate grasslands (fire?) Our data Where should we look for organic matter? Oades 1988 and Jones 1973
Comparison of Averages Plant std dev Soil std dev C N δ 13 C C/N Of the SOM is present, can we infer anything about their origin?
Specific Average Comparison C3C4RootsTop Soil C N δ 13 C C/N Still an average of C3 and C4 plants
Where are the organics going? Different factors promote or inhibit decomposition
Cellulose Lignin Biochemical Constituents Soil Plants Fulvic acid Humic acid
Cellulose Karurakova et al 2002 humics Humics Aliphatics humics Si-O Cell wall material – (Karurakova&Wilson 2001)
Untreated soil dominated by inorganics and are undifferentiable –Cox et al. 2000, Thorton 1986 Need thermo-extraction
Why is soil low in OM? rocks Fungal decomposition and cow grazing might lower OM in soil. Aliphatics and COOH have inverse relationship with humification process – Chen 1997
Cox et al Low organics
Root vs Leaf vs Vein
Referenced Literature Chen L, Wilson R, McCann, MC (1997) Investigation of macromolecule orientation in dry and hydrated walls of single onion eopidermal cells by FTIR microspectry. Journal of Molecular structure ( ) Cox, RJ, Peterson, HL, Young, J, Cusik, C Espinoza, EO(2000) The forensic analysis of soil organic by FTIR, Forensic Science International Baldock, JA, Skjemstad,JO (2000) Role of soil matrix and minerals in protecting natural organic materials against biological attack. Organic Geochemistry(31) Gigliotti, G, Businelli, D, Guisquiani, PL (1999) Composition changes of soil humus after massive application of urban waste compost: a comparison between FTIR spectroscopy and humification parameters. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (55) GAMBLE GR, SETHURAMAN A, AKIN DE, et al. (1994) Biodegradation of lignocellulose in Bermuda grass by white rot fungi analyzed by solid state C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY 60 (9): Ellerbrock RH, Kaiser M. (2005) Stability and composition of different soluble soil organic matter fractions- evidence from delta 13C and FTIR signatures Geoderma Kacurakova, M, Wilson, RH (2001) Developments in midinfrared FT-IR spectroscopy of selected carbohydrates. Carbohydrate Polymers (44) Kacurakova, M. Smith, A. Ridley, G. Wilson, R. (2002) Molecular interactions in bacterial cellulose composites studied by 1D FTIR and dynamic 2D FTIR spectroscopy. Carbohydrate Research 337, Oades, JM (1988) The retention of organic matter in soils. Biogeochemistry (5) Jones, MJ (1973) The organic matter content of the savanna soils of west Africa. Journal of Soil Science 24: Schlesinger, WH (1977) Carbon balance in terresrial detritus. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 8: In Biogeochemistry Analysis of Global Change 2 nd ed.
Ellerbrock 1989 Additional information S+N = straw LM= manure
Rajulu et al Polymer Science
Yanping and Rockshow Carbon