Nicholas Gonet Michael Squadrito Eric To Andrew Castaldi
The Cincinnati Children’s Hospital is looking for ways to educate children on how to take care of their asthma. Children are having trouble properly administering their medicine Logging respiratory tests with a peak flow meter Failure to properly use a metered dose inhaler (MDI) The hospital currently has no way of accurately tracking/educating their patients on how to use their medication.
Our goal is to help children recognize when their medical conditions are deteriorating, while also improving communication between children and parents. Promote the proper use of medication and medical hardware. Provide a fun, interactive, approach to asthma medication; while allowing physicians and parents alike to discretely monitor the children’s symptoms and medical data.
At first, the physician opens up the initial log in screen. After log in, the physician is welcomed into the system via the user interface. 1. Log in screen 2. The welcome greeting
From there, the physician is given the option to Add, Remove, Edit, and View users on the system; via the user interface. The physician is also allowed to view the patient health report which is stored in the patient information database. 3. The main screen
The Physician, Parent, and Patient are allowed to view their specific health report via the user interface. 4. The patient’s health report
After the user is created, he/she is allowed to run the interactive guide. At first they are asked four health related questions. Michael, Please answer the questions, then click enter when you are done. 5. The four health related questions
The user enters their three best peak flow readings, then the readings are compared to their all time best reading. Michael, Please put in your three peak flow readings, then click enter when you are done. 6. The peak flow reading retrieval Enter Peak Flow Readings:
| Date | PRF | PRF%| Health Zone | Alert | :37:22 | 570 |96.6 | GREEN | | :31:42 | 560 |94.9 | GREEN | | :35:45 | 420 |71.1 | YELLOW | | :22:22 | 360 |61.0 | YELLOW | | :39:31 | 450 |76.2 | YELLOW |! This is an example of our database output written in SQL. The timestamp is recorded followed by the Peak Flow Readings (PFR), Peak Flow Reading Percentage (Compared to all time best reading), and the current Health Zone the user is in. Alert is the final column and indicates (!) when a user enters the danger zone. In this example 590 is the best all time reading.
Any questions/comments? Thank you for your time Sincerely, Peak Flow Studios