Gymnastics KS3 Targets level 3>4 My target is to…. Plan my simple sequence in more detail ensuring it has been done before the lesson on computer if possible.
Gymnastics KS3 Targets level 4>5 My target is ………. My target is ………. Show increased control, flow and accuracy during my gymnastics sequence. Show increased control, flow and accuracy during my gymnastics sequence.
Gymnastics KS3 Targets level 5>6 My target is ……….. My target is ……….. To improve my ability to make simple judgements on my own and others performances To improve my ability to make simple judgements on my own and others performances (strength / weaknesses) and use this to improve the quality of the gymnastics.
Gymnastics KS3 Targets level 5>6 My target is ……….. My target is ……….. To develop my understanding and be able to explain short- term and long term effects of exercise on the body. To develop my understanding and be able to explain short- term and long term effects of exercise on the body.
Gymnastics KS3 Targets level 4>5 My target is ……….. My target is ……….. Plan and lead a specific warm up showing knowledge of safe exercises specific for gymnastics. Plan and lead a specific warm up showing knowledge of safe exercises specific for gymnastics.
Gymnastics KS3 Targets level 4>5 My target is ……….. My target is ……….. To develop specific aspects of fitness that will help me improve my performance I.e. strength / flexibility. To develop specific aspects of fitness that will help me improve my performance I.e. strength / flexibility.
Gymnastics KS3 Targets level 5>6 My target is ……….. My target is ……….. Develop the difficulty of the movements I am performing within my sequence on floor and apparatus. Perform advanced skills – headspring / handspring Develop the difficulty of the movements I am performing within my sequence on floor and apparatus. Perform advanced skills – headspring / handspring
Gymnastics KS3 Targets level 5>6 My target is ……….. My target is ……….. Demonstrate consistently previous learned skills with greater clarity, fluency and control Demonstrate consistently previous learned skills with greater clarity, fluency and control
Gymnastics KS3 Targets level 6>7 My target is ……….. My target is ……….. Perform increased range of skills and more advanced movements– e.g. somersaults off / over equipment, backward roll to handstand, handstand to forward roll. Perform increased range of skills and more advanced movements– e.g. somersaults off / over equipment, backward roll to handstand, handstand to forward roll.
Gymnastics KS3 Targets level 6>7 My target is ……….. My target is ……….. Evaluate accurately strengths and limitation s of own and others’ work using technical terms. Evaluate accurately strengths and limitation s of own and others’ work using technical terms. Understand the long term effects of exercise on physical, social and mental health. Understand the long term effects of exercise on physical, social and mental health.
Gymnastics KS3 Targets at all level My target is ……….. My target is ……….. To develop the clarity of shape and body tension when I perform my basic and complex gymnastic movements. To develop the clarity of shape and body tension when I perform my basic and complex gymnastic movements.