CODE OF POINTS January 2013
2 SECTION 2 Regulations for the Gymnasts To submit, or have their coach submit, a written request at least 24 hours before podium training, to the Chair of the Superior Jury to assess the difficulty of a new element. Repeat their entire exercise, if the exercise has been interrupted for reasons beyond their control or responsibility with permission of the Superior Jury.
3 In C-I, II and IV gymnast entitled to touch warm-up on the podium immediately prior to competition 30 sec on all apparatus Vault, Beam, Floor UB - each 50 seconds (including preparation of bars) team. In C-I and IV the warm up time belongs to the team. In mixed groups the warm-up time belongs personally to the gymnast. Apparatus may be prepared but not used, following the warm-up period or during the “competition pause”. Maximum of 2 persons on UB.
4 ATTIRE (Penalty – 0.30) They must wear a correct sportive non transparent leotard or unitard (one piece leotard with full length legs-hip to ankle), which must be of elegant design. Leotards/unitards may be with or without sleeves; shoulder strap width must be minimum 2 cm. The leg cut of the leotard may not extend beyond the hip bone (maximum). The leotard leg length cannot exceed the horizontal line around the leg, delineated by no more than 2 cm below the base of the buttocks.
5 ATTIRE (Penalty – 0.30) They have the option of wearing gymnastic slippers and socks Bandages must be beige-colored or skin coloured (when available from the manufacturer) Must have: national identification or emblem Must wear: start number supplied by the Organizing Committee May wear: only small stud type pierced earrings
Behaviour related Violations – taken by D Panel with notification to Superior Jury Violation Incorrect or unaesthetic padding - Missing start number - Incorrect attire – leotard, jewelry, bandage colour - Missing National emblem or wrong placement of emblem - Incorrect advertising when requested by responsible body - Team Competition: - Non identical leotards for gymnasts from the same team Penalty DEDUCTION 0.30 FROM FINAL SCORE FROM GYM/APP (once for a competition session by SJ) 1.0 from the total team score (once per competition – SJ 6
Behavior (Penalties 0.30) 7 Failure to acknowledge D Panel judges before and/or after the exercise 0.30 from Final score Failure to start within 30 sec. after green light 0.30 from Final score Exceeding warm up time 0.30 from Final score Remounting podium after the exercise 0.30 from Final score Performing without signal or on red light Final Score = 0.00 pts. Speaking to active judges during competition 0.30 from Final score Other undisciplined or abusive behavior 0.30 from Final score
8 Apparatus Related Non-permitted presence of spotter0.50 from the Final Score Failure to use supplementary landing mat0.50 from the Final Score Use of unpermitted supplementary mats0.50 from the Final Score Placement of springboard on unpermitted surface0.50 from the Final Score Coach moving suppl. mat during the exercise or moving to unpermitted end of beam 0.50 from the Final Score
Incorrect use of magnesia and/or damaging apparatus 0.50 from the Final Score by SJ Rearrangement of or removal of springs0.50 from the Final Score by SJ Changing the height of the apparatus without permission 0.50 from the Final Score by SJ Failure to use safety collar for round-off entry vaultsFinal Score = 0 points
Other Individual Violations Absent from the competition area without permission or failure to return and complete the competition – Expelled from competition by the Chair of the Superior Jury 10
11 SECTION 3 – Regulations for Coaches The coach is guaranteed the right to: Help the gymnast or team prepare the apparatus for competition. – vault to prepare the safety collar. – vault, uneven bars and balance beam to prepare springboard and position the supplementary landing mat. – uneven bars to adjust and prepare the uneven bar rails Be present on the podium after the green light is lit to remove the springboard on Balance Beam and Uneven Bars (then leave podium immediately) Be present at Uneven Bars during the gymnast’s exercise for reasons of safety – this can be same or different coach who removes the springboard. Assist or advise the gymnast during the intermediate fall time period on all apparatus and between the first and second vault. Request to Superior Jury a review of the Time and Line deductions.
Coaches in the Inner Circle 12 C-I & IV Complete Teams 1 Female &/or 1 Male or 2 Females Nations with 1-3 gymnasts 1 Female or 1 Male C-II: each gymnast – 1 (F or M) C-III: each gymnast – 1 (F or M) Incorrect presence of the prescribed persons in the inner circle: 1.0 (from gymnast/team at event) immediate red card and removal of coach from competition floor – By Chair of Superior Jury.
Behaviour of Coach with no Direct Impact on the result/performance of gymnast/team Unsportsmanlike conduct (valid for all phases of the competition) 1st time – Yellow card for coach (warning) 2nd time – Red card and removal of coach from the competition 13
14 Coach Behaviour with Direct Impact on results/performance of the gymnast/team: Unsportsmanlike conduct (valid for all phases of the Competition) i.e. unexcused delay or interruption of competition, speaking to active judges during the competition except to D1 Judge, inquiry only permitted, - speaking directly to the gymnast, giving signals, shouts (cheers) or similar during competition 1 st time (from gymnast/team) at event and Yellow Card 2 nd time – 1.0 from gymnast/team at event. Red card and removal of coach from competition floor
Judges are Responsible to: Be in possession of the international Brevet Have knowledge of FIG CoP, Technical regulations, Judges’ rules Attend Judges’ Review Session Wear the FIG prescribed uniform (dark blue suit, white blouse) Be at the Competition site & briefings per scheduled time Use the symbol notation sheets and maintain record of personal scores Remain in assigned seat until end of competition Exhibit professional, non partisan, ethical behavior 15 Section 5.Regulations & Structure for Apparatus Juries
Apparatus Jury Primary Responsibility D- Judging Panel Content value Neutral deductions E- Judging Panel Execution Artistry & Choreography 16 Appreciation of the athlete’s performances
D- Panel Functions R ecord exercise in symbol notation Jointly determine D- score (discussion allowed) Difficulty Values Composition Requirements Connection Values, based on special rules for each apparatus 17
D- Panel Functions Ensure the following deductions are applied if gymnast failed to present before and after the exercise. if gymnast performed an invalid “0” vault Spotting assistance deduct from final score report unsportsmanlike conduct of coach to Apparatus Supervisor. 18 Ensure neutral deductions are applied Ensure correct procedure for short exercise is applied
Observe exercises attentively and evaluate faults without bias General Faults Specific Apparatus Deductions Artistry & Choreography Faults (BB & FX) Complete score slip quickly and clearly and enter into score pad separately sum of deductions for execution faults sum of deductions for artistry & choreography faults Provide a written record of the evaluation 19 E- Panel functions
Section 6. Determination of Score D- Score + E Score = Final D-Score Difficulty Value (A- through H-) Composition Requirements Connection Value E- Score E-Score calculate by averaging 3 middle of 5 scores Execution Artistry & Choreography 20
Art 6. Determinaton of Score Short Exercise The D-Jury will take the appropriate deduction (penalty) for a short exercise from the final score. 7 or more elements = 0.0 points 5-6 elements = minus 4.0 points 3-4 elements = minus 6.0 points 1-2 elements = minus 8.0 points No elements = minus 10.0 points 21
Score of “0.00” If E- score is “0.00” or a negative number (-) the gymnast receives the value of the D- score neutral deductions are subtracted from the Final score In this case the D- score