AUDITORY SYSTEM RESPONSIBILITIES Central auditory processes are responsible for… Sound localization, lateralization Auditory discrimination Temporal aspects Competing signals Degraded signals APD: Inability to do one or more of the listed behavioral processes
TYPES & ISSUES 4 main types Phonetic decoding Tolerance-fading memory Auditory integration Prosodic Difficulty with… Extra noise Long conversations Phone Foreign language Challenging vocabulary Remembering spoken information Taking notes Multi-step directions
FROM A CHILD’S PERSPECTIVE Ladle Rat Rotten Hut Wants pawn term, dare worsted ladle gull hoe lift wetter murder inner ladle cordage, honor itch offer lodge dock florist. Disk ladle gull orphan worry ladle cluck wetter putty ladle rat hut, an fur disk raisin pimple colder Ladle Rat Rotten Hut.
INCIDENCE AND PREVALENCE Auditory Processing Disorder effects 3-5 % of children (Chermak and Musiek 1998) 2 to 1 ratio between boys and girls The 10 – 20 % of adults with APD are likely affected due to Neurological disorders, diseases, and insults, including neurodegenerative diseases Less than 5 % of the incidence of APD in children is thought to be caused by such diseases
DIAGNOSIS AND ASSESSMENT Multidisciplinary team of psychologists physicians teachers parents audiologists speech-language pathologists Audiologists diagnose – test for hearing and processing problems – test central auditory system, peripheral hearing test to determine hearing loss and perform electrophysiological and behavioral tests Other team members observe and assess using checklists of auditory behaviors APD is often misdiagnosed since characteristics of APD can also be found in learning disabilities, ADHD and depression. (Kids Health)
TESTING Audiologists look for problems with one or more of the following auditory tasks: Sound localization and lateralization Auditory discrimination Auditory pattern recognition Temporal aspects of audition (resolution, masking, integration, ordering) Auditory performance decrements with competing acoustic signals Auditory performance with degraded acoustic signals
FAMILY ISSUES Misdiagnosis Be sure your child is “ready” to listen Judgment from other parents/teachers Social situations Common APD features Needs comments repeated “Ignores” people Asks extra questions Literal Lack of self confidence
INTERVENTION STRATEGIES Classroom Management of a Child with Auditory Processing Problems Environmental Modifications Classroom Placement Classroom Seating Quiet Study Areas VisuaI Aids Compensatory Strategies Look and Listen - Gain Attention Check Comprehension Rephrase and Restate Pre-Tutor Monitor Efforts - Inform Parents APD Classroom Modifications Checklist Assistive Technology Section §300.5 Assistive technology device …, assistive technology device means any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of a child with a disability. (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1401(1))
CURRENT RESEARCH ASHA What causes APD? Genetics? Neurologic abnormality Developmental delay Combination of factors Drugs? Relationships among auditory processing, attention, cognition, and language. Cynthia Riccio & George Hynd Correlation between ADHD and APD Intervention Study – Various intensive interventions show positive results (Gillam, 2008)
VIDEO Intervention Strategies News Story
ORGANIZATIONS The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Research Boulevard Rockville, MD National Coalition on Auditory Processing Disorders Ivey Glen Ave. Orlando, FL 32826
SUPPORT GROUPS apdUS: Auditory Processing Disorder Awareness and Advocacy in the USA Friends of Quinn
BIBLIOGRAPHY Adaptive Technology Resource Centre. CAPD. Retrieved from Learning Disabilities Resource Community: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Understanding Auditory Processing Disorders in Children. Retrieved from American Speech-Language- Hearing Association: apd-child.htmhttp:// apd-child.htm American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005). Central Auditory Processing: Current Status of Research and Implications for Clinical Practice. ASHA. British Society of Audiology. (2011). Practice Guidance: An overview of current management of APD. Berkshire: British Society of Audiology. Health Bites Online. Retrieved from Symptoms of Auditory Processing Disorder: processing.html processing.html Nemours. Auditory Processing Disorder. Retrieved from Kids Health: Riccio, C., & Hynd, G. (2004). Comorbidity of Central Auditory Processing Disorder and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Pages