Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Reading -Paragraphs 3-5 Post-reading.


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Presentation transcript:

Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Reading -Paragraphs 3-5 Post-reading

Listen to paragraphs 3-5. Skip

Now, answer the following questions.

____ One of the appealing things about extreme sports is that they don’t attract _______. (A) the masses (B) the crowd (C) enthusiasts (D) young people A

____ A McDonald’s in Moscow is ______ one in Paris. (A) very different from (B) totally different from (C) almost the same as (D) completely the same as C

Why do people participate in extreme sports? An “extreme” sportsman who windsurfs all year round says, “These sports are so hard, that they don’t attract the masses. The Introduction of Windsurf

windsurf : 1968 年,一位美國加州電腦技師 ( 同時 也是一位衝浪好手 ) Hoyle Schweitzer 與一位帆船 好手 Jim Drake 結合衝浪 ( surfing ) 與風帆 ( sailing ) 兩項運動,創造了風浪板運動 (windsurfing) 。他 們在衝浪板上裝起簡單的帆,使它擁有原先衝浪的 功能,又可以藉著風力飛快地奔馳在海面上。臺灣 風浪板運動的歷史要追溯到 67 年 ( 西元 1978 年 ) ,當 時有幾位駐臺的西方人帶來了風帆板裝備,假日時 常在北部福隆海濱一帶大顯身手,頓時成為眾所矚 目的焦點。直到近年來,臺灣才有固定的風浪板玩 The Introduction of Windsurf

家,幾乎各縣市都有風浪板的組織,此運動也已成 為區運中的一個新興項目。 The Introduction of Windsurf Next

An “extreme” sportsman who windsurfs all year round says, “These sports are so hard, that they don’t attract the masses. says 及其後 adds 等用現在式的原因在於: 用以表示文中所提及的極限運動員對其 理念的闡述,而此種理念在過去、現在 或未來都不會變。若用 said (或 added ) 則表其過去一時的看法。

I think that’s one of the appealing things about extreme sports. You can excel at them if you put your mind to them. the appealing things about extreme sports → the attractive points of extreme sports You can excel at them if you put your mind to them. → You can do extreme sports well as long as you devote yourself to them.

There are not hundreds or thousands of people out there crowding you or doing what you’re doing.”

He adds, “There is no right. There is no wrong. There are no rules. There is no right. There is no wrong. There are no rules. → It is not a matter of right or wrong. It has no rules. You can do what you want and no one cares.” You can do what you want and no one cares. → You can do anything (that) you want (to do) and nobody would mind.

So what are some of these new extreme sports? Windsurfing is one. You can also call yourself an extreme sports enthusiast if you ski off cliffs, jump out of a plane, or sky surf. 原句= You can also be an enthusiast for extreme sports if you play one of the following sports: cliff skiing, jumping out of a plane, or sky surfing.

Are these sports too dangerous? Perhaps. Even if they are, isn’t a personal choice involved here? Even if they are, isn't a personal choice involved here? → Even if they are dangerous, it is a personal choice that involves in doing such sports.

In fact, development of extreme sports is understandable, even quite predictable. In fact, development of extreme sports is understandable, even quite predictable. → Actually, it is understandable and even quite predictable that extreme sports will develop. → As a matter of fact, we can understand and even predict that extreme sports will develop.

We live in such a globalized world today. We live in such a globalized world today. → We live in so globalized a world today.

Wherever we go, we see sameness: a McDonald’s in Moscow is only slightly different from one in Paris or in New York. Wherever we go, we see sameness: → No matter where we go, things that we see are all alike: is only slightly different from → is almost the same with

There seem to be far fewer individualized experiences today than there were in the past. Maybe extreme-sport people are merely striking a blow for truly individualized and unique experiences. 原句 = It seems (that) there are much/still/even/a great deal fewer individualized experiences today than.... Back


Reading for the Main Idea _____1. Bungee jumping is one of the new sports described as “extreme.” _____ 2. Since the first Olympic Games, something within the human spirit has been tapped. _____ 3. For some people, extreme sports stand for challenges and uniqueness. _____ 4. Sports provide us with amusement, excitement, and jobs.

Topics for Discussion

1. In recent years, extreme sports have become more and more popular. Some extreme-sports people even try to climb famous tall buildings even though local governments don’t allow this. What do you think about this? Is it all right to do extreme sports in big cities?

Reference answer : I think that people shouldn’t try extreme sports in cities because they might cause some inconvenience to others. For example, when one person tries to climb up an office building, there must be crowds around the building. The crowds might cause

Reference answer : traffic jams. In other words, the extreme sportsman might disturb others’ daily lives. I once saw a movie about several young men climbing buildings in a city. In the movie, children admired them a lot and considered them as heroes. They

Reference answer : even tried to imitate these young men by climbing trees. As a result, a child was seriously injured after falling down from a tree. This might happen in real life and cause social problems.

2. There are many kinds of extreme sports in the world. Can you invent a new one of your own? How would it be played?

Reference answer : I'd call my extreme sport “sky bungee surfing.” In the sport, one end of a cord is attached to you while the other is fastened to a plane flying high in the sky. You jump out off the plane at the altitudes of 15,000 feet and enjoy bouncing up and down. Then, you

Reference answer : release the cord to enjoy the free-falling. At 2,000 to 3,000 feet, you open your parachute and glide back to earth. Back