 Think of an easily recognizable symbol that has been around a long time. Draw it or write it down.  What kind of things are passed down in your family.


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Presentation transcript:

 Think of an easily recognizable symbol that has been around a long time. Draw it or write it down.  What kind of things are passed down in your family from one generation to the next?

Of the Middle Ages

 Used to distinguish warriors in battle and tournaments. *The Language of Heraldry is French  Why, during this time would they use pictures and colors instead of just words?

 Originally served as an announcer at tournaments.  Kept track of which knights were using which pictures in “roll of arms”.  Pictures became known as “heraldry”.

*Pictures called “charges”; included animals, people, objects.  Seven colors called “tinctures”; white/silver = “argent”, gold = “or”, blue = “azure”, red = “gules”, black = “sable”, green = “vert”, and purple = “purpure.”

 The coat of arms was displayed on flags, helmets, and surcoats. Carved into rings, it served as a signature, and, when pressed into wax, as a seal for documents.  As time passed, the combination of symbols became known as a family coat of arms and was handed down through from father to son.

Individual assignment Use colors, use the cut-outs, use examples given, and come up with your own. Be creative. Make it meaningful to you. That’s it! Have fun!!! We will share them as a class.