REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA MINISTRSTVO ZA KMETIJSTVO IN OKOLJE Financing of Nature Conservation and Biodiversity Projects Financing of Nature Conservation and.


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Presentation transcript:

REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA MINISTRSTVO ZA KMETIJSTVO IN OKOLJE Financing of Nature Conservation and Biodiversity Projects Financing of Nature Conservation and Biodiversity Projects Andrej Bibič Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment Republic of Slovenia

REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA MINISTRSTVO ZA KMETIJSTVO IN OKOLJE 2 Nature conservation and biodiversity objectives Projects help reaching policy objectives. Slovenian nature conservation and biodiversity objectives for this financial perspective are set in: -National Nature Conservation Programme (part of National Environmental Action Plan ) – adopted by the Parliament -Natura 2000 Management Programme – adopted by the Government

REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA MINISTRSTVO ZA KMETIJSTVO IN OKOLJE 3 National Nature Conservation Programme objectives To preserve the high level of biodiversity and to halt the decline in biodiversity by 2010 by: – preserving or attaining a favourable status for endangered species and habitat types; – preserving or attaining a favourable status (in terms of scope and quality) for habitats of species and habitat types defining areas important for biodiversity conservation (areas of ecological importance, Natura 2000 areas, Ramsar localities); – introducing efficient and coordinated nature conservation in protected areas through management plans and other measures; – raising the standard of all procedures involving wild animals; – ensuring sustainable use of the components of biodiversity and the sustainability of activities that affect the natural world.

REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA MINISTRSTVO ZA KMETIJSTVO IN OKOLJE 4 National Nature Conservation Programme objectives Protected areas – parks Establishment is lagging behind other European countries Green – planned Red – state 2011

REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA MINISTRSTVO ZA KMETIJSTVO IN OKOLJE Natura 2000 in Slovenia SPA - 26 sites (22,8 %) pSCI sites (31,6 %) Total – 231 sites (35,5 %) 22-25% of agricultural land 70% of forests

REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA MINISTRSTVO ZA KMETIJSTVO IN OKOLJE Conservation objectives per site & species Measures enter PA & sectoral management plans (forestry, hunting,…), development plans (RDP & OPs for structural funds ) Governmental Natura 2000 Management Programme ( ) 9 Managing Natura 2000 Measures to achieve conservation objectives using existing legislation

REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA MINISTRSTVO ZA KMETIJSTVO IN OKOLJE Setting conservation objectives Conservation objectives for each species /HT were set per site on the basis of existing information, and where possible quantified. Foto: L. Božič Measure(s) to achieve objectives: - address sectoral instruments - defined on the basis of conservation objectives - finalised in consultations with stakeholders (resulted in change of ambitions) bp at the site Trnovski gozd – J rob Nanosa represents an outstanding population size (2nd best site) – objective is to keep this population.

REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA MINISTRSTVO ZA KMETIJSTVO IN OKOLJE Foto: L. Božič Example of a measure to achieve conservation objectives (Trnovski gozd) for rock partridge: In zone of rock partridge further overgrowing of grasslands is being stopped with restoration of grazing. Appropriate use is to be assured via agri- environment programme, measures for low input grasslands. By 2010 this use is maintained on 370 ha, by 2013 it increases to 400 ha. Result - agriculture in Natura 2000 management programme

REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA MINISTRSTVO ZA KMETIJSTVO IN OKOLJE 9 Integration in regional development Natura 2000 sites are an opportunity for regional development and development of tourism and services depending on tourism. Logics behind is that park and tourist infrastructure, (incl. for interpretation and experiencing of nature) helps in: -attracting visitors and tourists to particular site, helps them in experiencing nature and distracts them from more sensible parts of this area, -concentrating them to sites in or around a Natura site, where it is then possible to market local products, -prolonging tourist season and length of stay.

REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA MINISTRSTVO ZA KMETIJSTVO IN OKOLJE 10 Integration in regional development Planned for co-financing from structural funds. Therefore in the Operational Programme for Strengthening Regional Development Potential under: - development priorities Linking natural and cultural potential, and Increasing the competitiveness of the tourist economy Set A of Natura 2000 management programme: - national programme of 23. investments and services tied to the development of park infrastructure for the advancement of tourist offers in the protected areas. Implemented by the Ministry of the Economy and the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning.

REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA MINISTRSTVO ZA KMETIJSTVO IN OKOLJE 11 Integration in regional development Second part is to be implemented by local communities. Therefore in the Operational Programme for Strengthening Regional Development Potential under: -Development of regions. Projects endorsed by regional councils. Natura 2000 management programme contains a list of project proposals (types of investments and services) that may contribute to the conservation of Natura sites and increase their potential for tourist and regional development (set B and C).

REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA MINISTRSTVO ZA KMETIJSTVO IN OKOLJE 12 Integration in regional development National programme of investments and services: -Approximatelly half of the projects in some stage of implementation -Challenge is also national co-financing Good example: – visitor infrastructure in Škocjan caves

REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA MINISTRSTVO ZA KMETIJSTVO IN OKOLJE 13 Photo: A. Černelč Integration in regional development Increasing the income of local inhabitants – supplementary – supplementaryactivities

REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA MINISTRSTVO ZA KMETIJSTVO IN OKOLJE 14 Integration in regional development Part to be implemented by local communities: – target of 100 Natura 2000 projects has been set -by 2010 about 25% implemented Big challenge is how to motivate local communities to go for these types of project. Recent developments: Listed projects obtained co-financing from other sources (cross-border schemes and LIFE+).

REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA MINISTRSTVO ZA KMETIJSTVO IN OKOLJE 15 Planned financial resources Depend on types of measures:  Preparation, adoption and inspection of legislation - administrative costs of public administration  administrative costs of: Preparation of projects Monitoring, when established Communication by public authorities (ministry, nature conservation service, protected area administration, forest service, farmers advisory service)


REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA MINISTRSTVO ZA KMETIJSTVO IN OKOLJE 17 New Multi-annual financial perspective Main challenge is successful drawing of EU funds vs. achieving policy objectives. Other food for thougts:  using experience from financial perspective , with a help of a good analysis of 2007 targets, measures to achieve them and actual implementation (final outputs)  using existing evaluations and their recommendation (e.g. OECD territorial review and environmental review)  focusing even more the 2020 targets, and connecting even more the eligibility for financing with targets  keeping / enlarging number of qualified project applicants for biodiversity /nature conservation, especially on local /regional level