PTO Today Number one question asked! How to Increase Parent involvement!
Single Goal Connect school with your community HOW???????????? 7 habits of highly effective parents groups
1.Redefine your groups goals to focus on involvement and engagement Reorganize your meetings Reduce the business section Focus on family involvement
2. “Sell” family involvement A great benefit for families and children Make it personal – quote the experts
THIS IS A MESSAGE PARENTS RESPOND TO: Why Get Involved? Research reveals many benefits when parents are involved in their child's education, including: Higher grades and test scores; Better attitudes and behavior; Better school attendance; More homework completed; Greater likelihood of graduating from high school; and Better chance of enrolling in postsecondary education.
3. Start a family involvement committee The sole purpose of this committee is to brainstorm and execute programs that engage more and more of your school’s community. Calls to new families Use special talents – storytellers, quilters Spaghetti diners, ice cream socials FUN FUN FUN What about inviting the grandparents
4. We will offer family involvement events without strings
5. “Time is the new currency”: “Time fear” may be the single biggest factor keeping volunteers away Be honest – give job descriptions RESPECT peoples time
6. Carefully develop and reward new volunteers and leaders Make volunteering easy (keep notebooks current) Develop your leaders-put with a mentor REWARD volunteers
7. Treat new parents with extra special care New parent meeting Call new families to see how they are doing Personally invite them to go with you to events at your school Introduce them to other new families