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Workflow Services Manager Deployment Service Instance Service Subscription Service Messaging Service Interop Service
function initWorkflowServicesManager() { //Context retrieved. Now retrieving WorkflowServicesManager. _wsm = new SP.WorkflowServices.WorkflowServicesManager.newObject(_hostCtx, _hostWeb); _hostCtx.load(_wsm); _hostCtx.executeQueryAsync(initWorkflowDeploymentService); } function initWorkflowDeploymentService() { //Now retrieving WorkflowDeplyomentService. _wds = _wsm.getWorkflowDeploymentService(); _hostCtx.load(_wds); _hostCtx.executeQueryAsync( validateWorkflowDefinition, function (sender, arg) { handle(arg.get_message(), arg.get_stackTrace()) } ); } function validateWorkflowDefinition() { //Test for valid workflow Xaml. _result = _wds.validateActivity(xamlTextarea.value); _hostCtx.executeQueryAsync( function () {}, function (sender, arg) { handle(arg.get_message(), arg.get_stackTrace()) } ); }
function saveWorkflowDefinition() { //Save the workflow Xaml. _wDef = new SP.WorkflowServices.WorkflowDefinition.newObject(_hostCtx, _hostWeb); _hostCtx.load(_wDef); _hostCtx.executeQueryAsync( function () { _wDef.set_xaml(xamlTextarea.value); _wDef.set_displayName(displayNameTextarea.value); _result = _wds.saveDefinition(_wDef); _hostCtx.executeQueryAsync( function () {}, function (sender, arg) { handle(arg.get_message(), arg.get_stackTrace()) } ); } ); } function getDesignerActions() { //Display supported designer actions. _result = _wds.getDesignerActions(_hostWeb); _hostCtx.executeQueryAsync( function () {}, function (sender, arg) { handle(arg.get_message(), arg.get_stackTrace()) } ); }
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