Quiz 2.1 Clear your desk except for a pencil & calculator!


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Presentation transcript:

Quiz 2.1 Clear your desk except for a pencil & calculator!

Warm Up 1) Find the mean & median for this data set: 7, 6, 5, 8, 10, 20, 4, 3 2) Which measure of center, the mean or median should be used to describe the data set? Why?

HW Check 2.4

You have 30 seconds to link together as many paper clips as possible!

Given our class data: 1)Create a frequency table 2)Create a histogram 3)Describe the distribution

Measures of Spread: Standard Deviation

Describing Data Two ways to describe data: Graphically Dot plot Histogram – Boxplot Numerically – Measures of Center: Median and Mean – Measures of Spread

Measures of Spread Range Interquartile Range (IQR) Standard Deviation How much do values typically vary from the center?

Consider the following test scores: Who is the best student? How do you know? StudentTest 1Test 2Test 3Test 4 Johnny Will Anna

So who is the best?! Sometimes you need too look at more information than the measure of center… So we look at the SPREAD…

Measures of Spread One-Variable: Range Interquartile Range (IQR) Standard Deviation How much do values typically vary from the center?

Range  To find the range of a set of data you take the largest value in the data set and subtract the smallest number in the data set BIG # - small # = range

Lets focus on STANDARD DEVIATION Standard deviation measures the dispersion of data. The greater the value of the standard deviation, the further the data tends to be dispersed from the mean. Luckily, we can find the standard deviation on the calculator.

Back to our students... Lets calculating each of their Standard Deviations StudentTest 1Test 2Test 3Test 4 Johnny Will Anna

Steps Step 1: Enter the height data in L 1. Commands: STAT  EDIT (Use 2 nd QUIT to exit) Step 2: Find your “best friend” in this unit Commands: STAT  CALC  1: 1-Var Stats  Enter

What do they all mean… Mean The sum of your data  Ignore this Standard Deviation  Ignore this Number of data entries

Who is the best student? How do you know? StudentTest 1Test 2Test 3Test 4 Test Average Standard Deviation Johnny Will Anna Now calculate the standard deviation of each and discuss…

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