IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY IN U.S. MARINE CONTAINER TERMINALS Committee on Productivity of Marine Terminals Marine Board Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems National Research Council National Academy Press Washington, D.C.
OVERVIEW State of the Art: U.S. vs. Foreign Marine Container Terminals Measuring Productivity Using Capital Investment to Improve Productivity Using Operations Research/Systems Analysis Improving Human Resources A Process for Improving Productivity
STATE OF THE ART IN MARINE CONTAINER TERMINALS: U.S. VS. FOREIGN Engineering & Design Operating Systems Interface with Truck & Rail Information Systems Labor-Management Relations Influence of Government Policies
MEASURING PRODUCTIVITY - PRECONDITION TO IMPROVEMENT Need to Gather Productivity Data Possible Uses of Data to Improve Productivity Profile of Productivity Measures
IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY THROUGH CAPITAL INVESTMENT Automated Cranes Automated Container Storage & Retrieval Systems Automated Guided Vehicles Buffer Systems Multi-Trailer Systems Cell Guides for Deck Storage Automated Trim & List Control Systems
IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY THROUGH OPERATIONS RESEARCH/SYSTEMS ANALYSIS Terminal Layout & Planned Equipment Flow Effect of Outside Forces Organization & Assignment of Terminal Work Force Operations Planning Handling of Non-Routine Container Flow Operation of the Gate Operation of Yard Handling Equipment
IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY BY IMPROVING HUMAN RESOURCES Employment Continuity Multi-Skilling Flexible Hours First-Line Supervisors Achieving Mutually Supportive Labor- Management Relations
A PROCESS FOR IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY Establish a Profile of Productivity Measures Standardization of Automated Terminal Container Identification & Management Information Systems Joint Labor-Management Cooperation in Addressing Human Resources Aspects of Improving Productivity
PROFILES OF PRODUCTIVITY MEASURES Element of TerminalMeasure of Productivity