The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation - Connecting excellent researchers worldwide Dr. Daniela Kneissl Head of Division Africa, Middle East 2
Subjects of presentation The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation - Facts and Figures Research Location Germany – Why should you go there? Our portfolio – Sponsorship Opportunities offered by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Once a Humboldtian, always a Humboldtian: Alumni sponsorship instruments Finding a scientific host in Germany The Humboldt Network – the added value of our sponsorship 3 3
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation - Facts and Figures 4
Core activity of the Humboldt Foundation We grant annually about 600 research fellowships and 100 research awards to highly qualified researchers (PhD-holders) from all over the world We enable them to spend extended research stays in Germany and to work with German colleagues We offer life long sponsorship options for our Alumni (“Once a Humboldtian, always a Humboldtian”) Sponsorship of people, not projects 5 5
Humboldt Foundation and DAAD - Sharing the academic market The Humboldt Foundation sponsors PhD holders (outgoing programmes) The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) sponsors BA/MA/doctoral students (outgoing and in-country programmes) Office in Nairobi: 6 6
History of the Humboldt Foundation 1953: establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Namesake: Alexander von Humboldt (1769 - 1859): discoverer, universal scholar, cosmopolitan, humanist and patron of excellent scientific talent Role model for our work: connecting excellent researchers worldwide at eye level 26.000 Humboldtians worldwide 50 Nobel Prize Winners 7 7
Equal opportunities for female academics Sponsoring of women correlates with age, career stage and geographical origin Research fellowship programmes: average of 30% (2010-2014), comparable success rates of women and men measures supplementing standard sponsorship opportunities: fellowship extension or interruption, allowances, targeted counselling Goal: Increasing number of female academics among sponsored Equal opportunities for female academics is an important issue for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. As the Foundation's sponsorship programmes target both men and women, it consequently seeks to make its sponsorship programmes equally attractive to both male and female academics. Nevertheless, it is evident that the proportion of female academics sponsored is significantly lower by comparison with their male colleagues and drops with a higher career stage and with increasing age. The geographical origin is also relevant. For this reason the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation supplements its sponsorship options with the following equal opportunities measures: Research fellows have the opportunity to extend the sponsorship period by up to 3 months if they give birth during the approved sponsorship period (in analogy to the periods laid down in the Maternity Protection Act); the opportunity to extend the sponsorship period is available even if the fellowship finishes within the statutory maternity leave period. The research fellow can apply to interrupt the fellowship period for up to 18 months if the birth of a child occurs within the sponsorship period or if the research fellow (male or female) is responsible for the care of a child under 12 years of age. Married research fellows receive a marital allowance if the accompanying spouse does not have any income of his/her own. If the fellows‘ underage children (under 18) accompany them to Germany for at least 3 months (without interruption) an application can be made during the sponsorship period to receive child allowance or child benefit according to German law. A childcare allowance can be paid for children of fellows from Germany who accompany them abroad and who are not older than 12. In addition, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation already offers tailored information for female academics in the context of its role as German partner in the EU-wide Euraxess Network. The internet portal offers information on: sponsorship programmes for female academics advice, training, platforms, networks dual career couples 8 8
The Humboldt Foundation's funding Budget for 2014: approx. 110.5 million EUR Financed by federal funds and the European Union: approx. 97% AA: Federal Foreign Office BMBF: Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMZ: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development BMUB: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety
Disciplines of guest researchers 2010–2014: 2,805 research fellowships granted to academics from abroad Engineering Sciences 10 % Humanities and Social Sciences 27 % Natural Sciences 63 % 10 10
Origin of guest researchers 2010–2014: 2,805 research fellowships granted to academics from abroad Australia, New Zealand, Oceania 3% Middle East, North Africa 4% Sub-Saharan Africa 5% Central and South America 7% Europe 37% North America 17% Subsahara Afrika: 2009 bis 2013: 109 (bei 2745 Stipendien) 2010 bis 2014: 131 Asia 27% 11 11
Current figures for Sub-Saharan Africa and Kenya Sub-Saharan Africa 2010 to 2014: 391 applications, 131 Research fellowships granted (Success rate: 30%, worldwide: 28,5%) Kenya: 20 applications, 5 Research fellowships granted (Success rate: 25%) Our conclusion: We do not reach enough excellent possible candidates in Kenya Our goal: Attracting more highly qualified researchers (women and men) from Kenya Essential step: Cooperation with strong partners (e.g. MoUs with NACOSTI, ICIPE, TWAS) Core or MoU AvH – ICIPE: Encourage outstanding scientists who have received their PhD at ICIPE to apply for Research fellowships for Postdoctoral Researchers at the Humboldt Foundation for a research stay of up to two years in Germany, and subsequent competitive integration at ICIPE or at their home institute as Humboldtians 12 12
Research Location Germany – Why should you go there? 13
A wide range of research institutions approximately 100 universities: research in all disciplines 82 Max Planck Institutes: basic research, especially in the natural and biosciences but also in the humanities and social sciences 67 Fraunhofer Institutes: applied research 18 Helmholtz Centres: technical-scientific and biomedical research 89 Leibniz Institutes: research in all disciplines ranging from knowledge-oriented basic research to applied research Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz The spectrum of work at universities includes basic research, applied research as well as development. Currently, more than 100 universities in Germany are particularly strong in research. (Universities in Germany: about 370 including more than 100 universities with the right to award doctorates which are particularly strong in research.) Basic research is conducted at 82 institutes in the Max Planck Society, especially in science and bioscience, but also in the humanities and social sciences. The Fraunhofer Gesellschaft undertakes applied research. Its contract partners and clients are companies in the manufacturing and service industries, as well as public bodies. It has more than 80 research centres, including 67 Fraunhofer Institutes all over Germany. The 18 large-scale technical-scientific and biomedical research centres that have joined together in the Hermann von Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres are a significant part of the research landscape of Germany. 89 research institutes and service facilities for research in Germany have amalgamated under the umbrella of the Leibniz Association. The concrete spectrum of tasks ranges from natural science, engineering and environmental science via economics, social and spatial sciences to the humanities. 14 14
Germany – a country full of attractive research institutions Greifswald Rostock Hamburg Bremen Hannover Berlin Magdeburg Halle Leipzig Dresden Jena Nürnberg München Freiburg Saarbrücken Frankfurt a. M. Dortmund Münster Bonn Göttingen Heidelberg Stuttgart Kiel Aachen Marburg Mainz Karlsruhe Köln Universities Leibniz Institutes Max Planck Institutes Helmholtz Centres Fraunhofer Institutes Humboldt Ranking: Smaller cities are becoming more and more attractive to Humboldtians 15
Our programme portfolio – Sponsorship Opportunities offered by the Humboldt Foundation 16
Key sponsorship programmes at a glance Academics from abroad Academics from Germany Postdoctoral researchers (up to 4 years after completion of doctorate) Humboldt Research Fellowship Georg Forster Research Fellowship (HERMES) Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship Junior research group leaders (up to 6 years after completion of doctorate) Sofja Kovalevskaja Award Experienced researchers (up to 12 years after completion of doctorate) (up to 18 years after completion of doctorate) Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award Internationally renowned academics Humboldt Research Award Georg Forster Research Award Anneliese Maier Research Award Max Planck Research Award Alexander von Humboldt Professorship The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation sponsors: academics at different career stages, usually after completion of a doctorate academics from abroad who wish to conduct research in Germany academics from Germany who wish to conduct research abroad 17 17
Research fellowships for research stays in Germany For postdoctoral and experienced researchers Humboldt Research Fellowship worldwide, all disciplines, no quotas for countries Success rate of applicants from Sub-Saharan Africa 2010-2014: 24% (total: 29%) Georg Forster Research Fellowship (HERMES) researchers from emerging and developing countries (except China and India), all disciplines, no quotas for countries research projects with relevance to development of the applicant’s home country Success rate of applicants from Sub-Saharan Africa 2010-2014: 36% (total: 31%) The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation enables highly-qualified postdoctoral scientists and scholars from abroad to carry out research projects of their own choice in Germany. Researchers of all nationalities and disciplines may apply for a Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers or a Humboldt Research Fellowship for experienced researchers. Applicants are responsible for choosing their own research project and host in Germany and drawing up their own independent research plan. Details of the research project and the timetable must be agreed with the prospective host before the application is made. There are no quotas for individual countries or disciplines. Furthermore, highly-qualified researchers from emerging and developing countries (excluding India and the People‘s Republic of China) may apply for a Georg Forster Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers or a Georg Forster Fellowship for experienced researchers. The subject of the research proposal must be of relevance to development and particularly suited to the transfer of knowledge and methods to developing countries. Applicants are responsible for choosing their own research project and foreign host and drawing up their own independent research plan. Details of the research project and the timetable must be agreed with the prospective host before the application is made. 18 18
Research fellowships for research stays in Germany Humboldt Research Fellowship / Georg Forster Research Fellowship (HERMES) Postdoctoral researchers Experienced researchers Application period Duration of sponsorship Fellowship amount doctorates completed less than 4 years ago 6 to 24 months 2,650 EUR per month (plus additional benefits) doctorates completed less than 12 years ago 6 to 18 months, may be divided up into 3 stays 3,150 EUR per month (plus additional benefits) Humboldt and Georg Forster Research Fellowships for postdoctoral researchers are the programmes with which the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation enables highly-qualified scientists and scholars from abroad, who are just embarking on their academic careers and who completed their doctorates less than four years ago, to spend extended periods working on research (6-24 months) in Germany. Humboldt and Georg Forster Research Fellowships for experienced researchers target highly-qualified scientists and scholars from abroad, who completed their doctorates less than twelve years ago, enabling them to spend extended periods working on research (6-18 months; may be divided up into a maximum of three blocks) in Germany. 19 19
Application requirements Postdoctoral researchers Experienced researchers above average doctorate academic publications agreement by academic host Expert reviews from the doctoral supervisor and two other academics independent research project knowledge of English and/or German independent academic activity, e.g. as an assistant professor comprehensive list of academic publications with own, clearly defined academic profile agreement by scientific host in Germany Expert reviews from the doctoral supervisor and two other academics independent research project knowledge of English and/or German The requirements for an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation research fellowship are an above average doctorate or comparable academic qualification, independent research experience, documented by recognised academic publications, preferably in international journals, adequate language skills, a research project agreed upon with the academic host as well as a confirmation of the host institute that research facilities are available. As a rule, candidates’ chances are increased if they belong to the top group amongst their international peers. The number of publications considered appropriate varies according to discipline and career stage. What determines whether an application is successful is academic quality, not German language skills. In science, in particular, working groups function and publish in English. In this case, it is not necessary to have a proven knowledge of German at the time of application. Candidates from the humanities and social sciences, on the other hand, should have a basic knowledge of German, which may be necessary to conduct the project successfully, at the time of application. Experienced researchers should have their own, clearly defined academic profile. This means they should usually be working at least at the level of Assistant Professor or Junior Research Group Leader or be able to document independent research work over a number of years and a comprehensive list of academic publications with a recognisable, independent profile. 20 20
Application procedure applications at any time to the Foundation directly assessment by independent expert reviewers decision by independent, interdisciplinary selection committees duration of procedure: approximately 4 to 7 months I already am or recently have been in Germany. Are there any formal grounds militating against my application? You can apply if you have been in Germany for less than six months at the time the Humboldt Foundation receives your application or you have returned from a stay in Germany of more than six months and have subsequently stayed abroad for more than twelve months at the time the Humboldt Foundation receives your application. Both employment and/or residence in Germany are considered a "stay" in this context. Will you take into consideration the time I devoted to bringing up my children? If you have ever interrupted your academic career for child-rearing purposes, either partially or completely, please list all periods of leave on the application form. We will assess whether these periods can be taken into account in calculating your eligibility in relation to your career stage. The time limit set by the programme for the period after completing a doctorate may be extended by a maximum of two years per child if you did indeed interrupt your academic career after completing your doctorate for the periods stated and claim for these periods. 21 21
Application procedure Criteria for assessing eligibility: Academic record and academic performance to date (determination, academic productivity, mobility experienced researchers: breadth of research activities) Quality of publications (originality, degree of innovation) Originality and innovation potential of the suggested research outline (significance for the discipline, choice of academic methods, clear focus and feasibility) The applicant’s future academic potential The selection committee will always take into consideration the “whole picture” – > People, not projects I already am or recently have been in Germany. Are there any formal grounds militating against my application? You can apply if you have been in Germany for less than six months at the time the Humboldt Foundation receives your application or you have returned from a stay in Germany of more than six months and have subsequently stayed abroad for more than twelve months at the time the Humboldt Foundation receives your application. Both employment and/or residence in Germany are considered a "stay" in this context. Will you take into consideration the time I devoted to bringing up my children? If you have ever interrupted your academic career for child-rearing purposes, either partially or completely, please list all periods of leave on the application form. We will assess whether these periods can be taken into account in calculating your eligibility in relation to your career stage. The time limit set by the programme for the period after completing a doctorate may be extended by a maximum of two years per child if you did indeed interrupt your academic career after completing your doctorate for the periods stated and claim for these periods. 22 22
Benefits provided Travel lump sum Mobility allowance, subsidies towards health and liability assurances Language courses (e.g. intensive language course of 2 or 4 months in Germany) Benefits for accompanying families Allowance for research costs for the host institute Possibility of Europe research stay The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s research fellowships comprise comprehensive sponsorship benefits. During the entire stay in Germany fellows receive a fellowship which allows them a standard of living comparable to that of academics at the same career stage in Germany. The fellowship for postdoctoral researchers is set at 2,650 EUR per month; for experienced researchers it is 3,150 EUR per month. The fellowship amount takes special account of the fellow’s individual situation (e.g. through benefits for families). The host institute is granted an allowance for research costs, which amounts to 800 EUR for research fellows in the natural sciences and engineering and 500 EUR for humanities scholars. Within the Feodor Lynen Fellowship Programme the provision comprises a basic monthly sum and a monthly foreign allowance which may differ according to location and marital status. An unmarried, 33-year old fellow in the United States, for example, receives approx. 2,740 EUR per month; in the United Kingdom approx. 2,470 EUR; in Poland approx. 2,350 EUR and in China approx. 2,890 EUR. Marital and child allowances may be paid in addition. The applicant can use the fellowship calculator ( in order to calculate the approximate fellowship amount if the application is successful. The binding fellowship amount is only calculated by the Foundation once a positive decision has been made and may differ from the amount calculated here. Fellows also receive a single lump sum to cover return travel expenses to Germany. The Foundation finances language courses for foreign academics coming to Germany on a research stay and for their marital partners. 23 23
Further benefits provided Intensive and individual mentoring in Germany and abroad by personal contacts at the Humboldt Foundation Study tour through Germany, network meeting, Annual meeting in Berlin Return fellowships (12 months, 500 € per month) Alumni sponsorship One of the hallmarks of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is to provide guest researchers with as much individual assistance as possible. At the end of August or early in September each year, a two-week study tour is arranged for research fellows and their marital partners. In addition, there are several regional network meetings held annually for research fellows who newly arrived in Germany. These meetings take place in German university towns. The Foundation‘s annual meeting is held in the summer. All research fellows and research award winners from all disciplines and countries staying in Germany, as well as Feodor Lynen Research Fellows who have returned in the preceding year, are invited to attend this meeting together with their families. It is the aim of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to sponsor their research fellows on a long-term, individual basis. Contact should be maintained after the initial research stay in Germany in order to ensure that the relationships to specialist colleagues in Germany, which have developed during the fellowship period, can be sustained and strengthened, and academic collaboration consolidated long-term. Alumni sponsorship is not subject to an age limit. Research fellows can apply for a return fellowship to sponsor reintegration into an institute abroad. Applications may currently be made by academics returning to the following countries: developing or emerging countries (Humboldt and Georg Forster Research Fellowships); countries in Central and Eastern Europe (Humboldt Research Fellowships) At the end of the fellowship period, Feodor Lynen Research Fellows are also offered return fellowships. They can be granted for a maximum period of 12 months upon application. 24 24
Once a Humboldtian, always a Humboldtian: Alumni sponsorship instruments 25
Alumni sponsorhip instruments I Coming back to Germany (3 years after your first research stay) Short visits up to 30 days e.g. for active participation (lecture, posters, etc.) in international congresses in Germany, for lecture tours or short working visits to research institutes in Germany. Daily allowance, reimbursement of conference fees Renewed research stays for up to 3 months for continuing or completing work started during first research stay in Germany or initiation of new joint research projects with colleagues in Germany, free choice of academic host Monthly fellowship amount, support for accompanying family “Once a Humboldtian – always a Humboldtian" – from the very beginning this was the hallmark of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Humboldt sponsorship is enduring: the Foundation is a lifetime partner, maintaining the connections on a long-term basis through its alumni sponsorship programmes. As a result, an active knowledge network of more than 26,000 Humboldtians has been laid across the whole academic world – embracing over 140 states. The alumni sponsorship measures provide flexible support for the individual life paths and development of Humboldtians. Moreover, the Foundation encourages its alumni to undertake their own initiatives and collaborations across disciplinary and national borders. Amongst other things, networking sponsorship caters for further research stays to Germany. This gives fellows a chance to revitalise relationships to specialist colleagues and their institutes or make contacts with new partners, continue joint projects already underway, or build new collaborations. The Research Group Linkage Programme allows Humboldtians to apply for sponsorship in order to cooperate over a period of three years with a researcher working at a German institute and additional cooperation partners in other countries. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation regularly organises colloquia abroad to which it invites research fellows and research award winners living in the host country or region, as well as Feodor Lynen fellows working there. Since 2002, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has provided financial support for Humboldt Alumni Associations as well as for individual Humboldtians to organise regional and specialist conferences. These Humboldt Kollegs have become one of the most popular instruments for strengthening regional and specialist networks. Apart from networking, the Kollegs serve to awaken the interest of young academics in the Foundation’s programmes and in Germany as a location for research. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s Humboldt Alumni Awards for innovative networking initiatives are granted to fellows and award winners abroad. Each award is valued at up to 25,000 EUR, and three awards are granted annually. They are designed to support projects not covered by the Foundation's existing sponsorship and alumni programmes and to promote academic and cultural relations between Germany and the Humboldt Alumni's own countries as well as strengthening their collaboration in the respective regions. 26 26
Alumni Sponsorship Instruments II Support for alumni in their home countries Invitation of professors from Germany for short research stays at the home institution of Humboldtian Book donations Equipment subsidies (up to 20,000 EUR) Humboldt Kollegs (up to 40,000 EUR)
Alumni Sponsorship Instruments III Support for cooperative projects Research group linkage programme „Institutional“ partnership between a Humboldtian and a German partner for working on a joint research project Goals: building of sustainble scientific partnerships integration of junior researchers Funding of up to 55.000 €, up to 3 years, to be spent on: academic auxiliary staff equipment (for the partner institute outside Germany) conferences reciprocal research visits publications and consumables
Finding a scientific host in Germany 29
Finding a scientific host in Germany Search interesting publications Ask colleagues with contacts in Germany (e.g. Humboldtians at your institute) Search the Humboldt Foundation’s Network Online Network Online can be used to locate Humboldtians’ host institutes searches can be filtered by subject area, location or keyword -> Humboldt Network -> Searching the network Search via the DAAD and DFG “Research Explorer” The Research Explorer contains over 23,000 institutes at German universities and non-university research institutions, searchable by geographic location, subject and other structural criteria. The public Network Online shows a great part of the 26,000 fellows worldwide and can give those interested an overview of possible hosts. You can search by name, host institution, research area, location and key words. Hosts can be found via the names of Humboldtians. The Research Explorer is a unique online directory of the German science landscape, made available through cooperation between the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). GEPRIS (German Project Information System) is an online database made available by the DFG to provide information on current DFG-funded research projects. Please note that to date, project information is available mainly in the German language.
Finding a scientific host in Germany Checklist for establishing a contact via E-Mail: How can I introduce myself very shortly? What is the core of my research interest? Why do I want to work with that particular person? Who has recommended the person I write to, or: How did I find out about the work of the academic I am contacting? Which funding organisation and which programme do I suggest?
Finding a scientific host in Germany Further practical hints Add a very short research outline (1 page) and your updated CV Be clear and short: Professors usually get more than 100 E-Mails each day! Do not send the same not personalized E-Mail to dozens of academics! If you don’t get an answer within a fortnight, send a short reminder – some people only answer if they are asked twice…
I want YOU to be my scientific host! Make sure that the academic you contact realizes: I want YOU to be my scientific host!
Finding a scientific host in Germany Goal! You’ve got a positive answer! Now you should: Make good use of his/her expertise for further elaborating your research outline Enrich your knowledge about the research institution of your potential scientific host Take your time for carefully preparing your application and all the documents needed
The Humboldt Network – the added value of our sponsorship
The Humboldt Network – more than 26,000 Humboldtians worldwide Result of a representative survey within the Humboldt Network (2014): Working, self-supporting network 78% of Humboldtians have scientific contacts with at least one other Humboldtian 26994 aktive Humboldtianer weltweit as of: January 2015
6 out of 26,000 Kayode O. Adebowale, Nigeria Kwame Nkrumah Continental Scientific Award for Science and Technology (2014) Ernest J. Moniz, USA, Secretary of Energy, U.S. Department of Energy (2013) Eva Illouz, Israel, President, Bezalel Academy of Arts (2012) James E. Rothman, USA Nobel Prize in Physiology / Medicine (2013) Yesid Reyes Alvarado, Colombia, Minister of Justice and Law (2014) Enge Wang, China, President, Peking University (2013)
Ambassador Scientists worldwide 1 3 2 1 1 1 Humboldtians on Campus 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 Tasks Organising information meetings at universities and research institutions in the respective countries Informing about the programmes and the international network of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Advising the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and other German sponsorship organisations Acting as contact partners for Humboldt alumni and Humboldt alumni associations Dissemination of information about Humboldt Foundation‘s programmes Advisors for the Humboldt Foundation Contact partners for Humboldt Alumni
Ambassador Scientists in Africa and Middle East 1 3 Cameroon Egypt Ethiopia Ghana Israel Jordan Kenya Morocco Nigeria South Africa 1 1 1 Kenya: Prof. Hamadi I. Boga Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Contact The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is available to answer your questions at any time: Jean-Paul-Straße 12 53173 Bonn Germany Tel: +49 228 833-0 Fax: +49 228 833-199 If you have any questions about the Humboldt Foundation’s work or would like to obtain information on applications please contact directly. 40 40